files_texteditor copied to clipboard
Enable vi keybindings
The ace editor supports a vi mode, but to enable it requires that I open a console and type:
every time I edit a document. Ideally this would be available as a user preference, similar to what was implemented in #119 .
Steps to reproduce
- Open a text document
- Open the console
- Paste
- Enjoy vi mode while the document is open for editing
Nextcloud Version
- 15.0.8
Hi, vim key bindings would be great; however, in version 20.2 the aceEditor.setKeyboardHandler("ace/keyboard/vim")
comannd in the console window throws the following error
Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'nonceLWlBmTk5MWGtOaHJIOEZMQT06SGtsVHo2cEZlNzAvTlhMeG1EYkNnaFVCVFMvYldKQUNZa=' blob:". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.
I'm using the stable files_texteditor