documentserver_community copied to clipboard
Syncing with destop client causes empty documents
Nextcloud's Community Document server and only Office apps:
First I activated onlyOffice connector. Then I tried to download Community Document server from the app-store . The download of Community-server failed because of time-out messages etc. (that was predictable, because the size is about 300 MB !). That's already mentioned in other issues. (Would be great to increase time-out per default and add a progress bar or something else..).
So I did the download of the Document server manually form here, moved it to the apps folder , set permissions (user www-data is owner of it ) , imported the self-signed Certificate as described here and it worked fine !
So far, everything is ok -only pasting images does not work as described in Inserting images from Desktop/PC's file explorer works well.
Now I can create document files on Nextcloud for example, can download it or make copies of that file and can open it with Microsoft word -everything seems to be alright, but the document file on Desktop/PC which is produced by desktop client (win10) when syncing is empty ! When I make a copy of original file on Nextcloud, put it in any folder on Nextcloud and let the copy sync with desktop-client, the copy is ok and has the right content (only images are lost sometimes - but inserting images seems to be buggy anyway - as described above )! :roll_eyes: No errors concerning that problem found in protocol.
Nextcloud 18.0.1 Maria DB 10.4 Redis 4.0.9 (memcache /file locking) apps latest one Desktop Client (win10) latest version
Nevertheless: Thanks to Nextcloud team for the great work for us so far ! With kind regards, Joe
Guess I have the same issue:
ONLYOFFICE in Nextcloud works fine, saves the changes to the (in the browser) opened file, I can reopen it in the browser with the changes made before by ONLYOFFICE in Nextcloud. No problem online/in the browser.
But when I open the same file (synced by the latest client) on the PC with LibreOffice, the file has no changes. So when I save the file in LibreOffice, it's synced back to Nextcloud and overwrites the changes made in ONLYOFFICE.
So the sync is only working from the PC to the cloud, but not from the cloud to the PC.
Hope this will be gone soon to work with that great feature :)
Nextcloud 18.0.1 with Community Document Server 0.1.5 and ONLYOFFICE 4.1.4. Nextcloud Desktop Client Version 2.6.2stable-Win64 (build 20191224)
Thnx for your comment - I already thought that I was the only one having that sync-problem . You are right: document syncing with desktop client only works correctly in one direction ! I hope this issue will soon be labeled as bug. Working with documents and onlyOffice on nextcloud is really a great feature, but buggy syncing with destop client can cause data loss and therefore I also hope that this supposed bug will be fixed in near future ! Regards Joe
I have the same problem
Thnx for comment. Hope that someone of nextcloud-team takes notice of the problem soon ! Joe
Same problem here. Even without syncing to desktop clients this problem appeared.
Editing an excel with the online editor and after that reloading the website causes not editable fields and a few minutes after a blank document.
Same problem as in #12
ok, I see. Still waiting and hoping that someone of nextcloud-team takes notice of it .. seems not to have high priority ... Joe
Same problem here. I can create and edit documents online in OnlyOffice. Then they get saved locally by the Nextcloud Client. When I open the local version the document is blank. The version date always stays at the creation date even if the document is edited online. Sometimes the document can't be opened online in OO anymore. But this seems to be another issue.
I use: Nextcloud 18.0.2 on a shared hosting - fresh install Community Document Server 0.1.5 ONLYOFFICE 4.1.4
Because of this, we already suffered from data loss. Stopped using NC/OO until this is resolved.
Hi @icewind1991 ,
Big bug with last version 0.1.5, see other issues: #12 #78 #87
Thanks for your help.
Installed yesterday the Community Document Server and ONLYOFFICE, did some tests and came across the same problem - unfortunately cannot use this feature until it is fixed.
Nextcloud 18.0.2 on own Ubuntu 18.08 server Community Document Server 0.1.5 ONLYOFFICE 4.1.4
The bug comes from the fact that nextcloud doesn't detect the closing of the onlyoffice file. The file is detected as always open, so the recording doesn't run.
The bug comes from the fact that nextcloud doesn't detect the closing of the onlyoffice file. The file is detected as always open, so the recording doesn't run.
According to what you've written: in which project should this bug be tracked and fixed?
Same problem with Nextcloud 18.0.2 on Docker.
NC 18.0.3 has been released but the issue persists.
Same here. Really unpleasant bug. Just lost one day's worth of work.
yes, bug still there in new version... Great feature, but limited use. still waiting that someone of NC-team at least set the bug label . Really annoying bug. Joe
I openend the issue nearly a month before! Just wait and hope...
Thnx ! I see.. kind regards, Joe
It's 2 years later and the issue still occurs.
Here are steps to reproduce the issue with consistancy:
Steps to reproduce:
- On Nextcloud, install Community Document Server from the Nextcloud app store
- install the ONLYOFFICE app from the same app store
- In Nextcloud Files, create a new .xlsx document and open it.
- Write something in any cell. Save and close.
- Wait 1 minute, just to be sure it has time to save properly.
- On your computer, install the Nextcloud Sync client if it's not already installed.
- Sync your Nextcloud files to your local computer (you can use the "Force sync now" option just to be sure)
- In File Explorer (on Windows or whatever OS you use), navigate to the synced folder and to the file created earlier. Right-click and open this file with OnlyOffice (or LibreOffice)
- Observe that the file is blank. Expected result: The text written in the file at step # 4 should be visible.
My setup
Desktop version: OnlyOffice app for Nextcloud: 7.3.0 Community Document Server: 0.1.12
Nextcloud Server
Version: 22.2.3
mysql 8.0.28 267.5 MB
7.4.3 Memory Limit: 512 MB Max Execution Time: 3600 Upload max size: 2 GB
Nextcloud Desktop Client
Version 3.4.2 (Windows)
is this fixed with this?
This issue has been marked 'stale' due to lack of recent activity. If there is no further activity, the issue will be closed in another 60 days. Thank you for your contribution!
Retaking repo management include inheritance of old, not treated, and probablty obsolete issues, this is why it was decided to mark issues as stale.