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use --option=value version of options in occ maintenance:install
The manual should use the --option=value format of options in the examples of the occ maintenance:install command. The "--option value" format fails if the value begins with a dash ("-"), which is likely to happen if the option value is a randomly generated password and in some other cases. See
The documentation files for maintenance:install are:
The PDF sections for Nextcloud 23 are: 4.5. Installing from command line 5.2.25 Command line installation
The web pages: Nextcloud Configuration / Using the occ command / Command Line Installation
Installation and server configuration / Installing from command line
Both sections have this example, which uses the "--option value" format for options:
cd /var/www/nextcloud/
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:install --database
"mysql" --database-name "nextcloud" --database-user "root" --database-pass
"password" --admin-user "admin" --admin-pass "password"
Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available
Nextcloud was successfully installed
"php occ help maintenance:install" shows the --option=value format for options:
maintenance:install [options]
--database=DATABASE Supported database type [default: "sqlite"]
--database-name=DATABASE-NAME Name of the database
--database-host=DATABASE-HOST Hostname of the database [default: "localhost"]
--database-port=DATABASE-PORT Port the database is listening on
--database-user=DATABASE-USER User name to connect to the database
--database-pass[=DATABASE-PASS] Password of the database user
--database-table-space[=DATABASE-TABLE-SPACE] Table space of the database (oci only)
--admin-user=ADMIN-USER User name of the admin account [default: "admin"]
--admin-pass=ADMIN-PASS Password of the admin account
--admin-email[=ADMIN-EMAIL] E-Mail of the admin account
--data-dir=DATA-DIR Path to data directory