calendar copied to clipboard
add option to merge calendars, every update creates new Personal calendar
Because of migration to a new nextcloud installation I had to import my older calendars. Now because of this I have two "Personal" calendars. Also I have imported calendars from previous services, they have a different name but also qualify to have the same name. Now my calendar list looks like this:
I would like to be able to merge these 2 personal and 1 private calendar into one single calendar.
It might be possible to do this with an external tool that I have not heard about (yet) but either way I think it would be valuable to have this option implemented. It could also be beneficial for people temporarily creating a shared calendar and later on merge it into one for archiving purposes.
This is really out of scope for this app and only useful for a very narrow usecase.
Because of migration to a new nextcloud installation I had to import my older calendars. Now because of this I have two "Personal" calendars
Why did you import it into a new calendar and not just import it into the existing personal calendar?
Good question, actually I forgot about that but that did not work at the time. You just solved my issue because now I can actually download the calendars and import them in to the other one :1st_place_medal:
Why did you import it into a new calendar and not just import it into the existing personal calendar?
I am reopening this issue because it is still a huge problem to me. Every update I get a new 'Personal' calendar while I already have one. Merging the two is not possible and I have to remove the new calendar and enable the old one with every update. I have tried numerous things to get around it, like for example importing the 'old' personal calendar in the new one, but nothing seems to help. Every update again I get a new personal calendar, this is really annoying and I cannot believe that I would be the only one facing this.
I'm having the same issue with 25. Importing a Personal calendar after creating a new user ONLY offers the option of making a new calendar. The calendar app already has Personal, but it doesn't show as an option in the pull down box when importing.
After playing around with an ics that wouldn't import properly, what I found is that if the ics file contains VTODO events, there is not option to import into an existing Calendar.
The issue for people importing their personal Calendars from other instances of Nextcloud appears to be that if they have TODO events in their calendar, they can't merge into the new empty one in a New instance.
I'm able to reproduce this by dropping the following VTODO into an existing ics file that imports and offers the merge option. When I try to import the modified ics, no option to merge is presented:
BEGIN:VTODO CREATED:20211106T160638Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211130T011946Z DTSTAMP:20211130T011946Z UID:e5779c64-8e3b-45fa-8d8b-24fb21a3c045 SUMMARY:Update LetsEncryptCertificate STATUS:COMPLETED X-MOZ-LASTACK:20211110T232813Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20211110T130000 DUE;TZID=America/Toronto:20211110T130000 COMPLETED:20211130T011946Z SEQUENCE:2 X-MOZ-GENERATION:6 PERCENT-COMPLETE:100 BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION:-P2D DESCRIPTION:Default Mozilla Description END:VALARM END:VTODO