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An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification.
An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification.
As of May 29, 2022, proof of computation & cryptographic stuff are considered off-topic.
awesome-rust-formalized-reasoning is an EDLA project.
The purpose of is to promote the state of the art in various domains.
Provers & Solvers
- Provers TPTP compliant
- SAT Solver
- Proof assistant
- Misc
- Static Analysis & Rust verification tools
- Misc
- Parser
- Bindings
- Translator
- Misc
- Books code
- Programming Language
- Kanren
- Lambda Calculus
- Propositional Logic
- Unclassified
Provers & Solvers
- Books
- Crates keywords
- Research Paper & Thesis
- Demos
- Blogs
- Posts
- Community
- Abandoned :skull:
- Best in Class :diamonds:
- Book implementation :book:
- Crate(s) :package:
- Crates keyword fully listed :100:
- Deleted by author :recycle:
- Exhumated :ghost:
- Inactive :zzz:
- List of resources :information_source:
- Popular :star:
- Research paper implementation :lab_coat:
- Toy project :baby_chick:
- Video :tv:
- WIP :construction:
Provers and Solvers
Provers TPTP compliant
- CoP :package: - reimplement automated theorem provers of the leanCoP family, such as leanCoP and nanoCoP.
- lazyCoP - automatic theorem prover for first-order logic with equality.
- lerna :skull: - proves theorems.
- lickety - prototype system for linear resolution with splitting.
- meancop :package::skull: - became CoP.
- Serkr :ghost: :star: - automated theorem prover for first order logic with equality.
SAT Solver
- BatSat :package::star: - solver forked from ratsat, a reimplementation of MiniSat.
- CreuSAT :star: - formally verified SAT solver verified with Creusot.
- Debug-SAT :package: - debuggable automatic theorem prover for boolean satisfiability problems (SAT).
- dpll-sat - naïve SAT solver implementing the classic DPLL algorithm.
- msat :package: - MaxSAT Solver.
- RatSat :package::package::star: - reimplementation of MiniSat.
- rsat :package: - SAT Solver.
- rust-smt-ir - provides an intermediate representation (IR) in Rust for SMT-LIB queries along with tools.
- rustsat :baby_chick: - toy Rust SAT solver.
- SATCoP - theorem prover for first-order logic based on connection tableau and SAT solving.
- Satire :package: - educational SAT solver.
- SAT-MICRO - reimplementation of the SAT-solver described in 'SAT-MICRO: petit mais costaud!'.
- scrapsat :construction: - CDCDL SAT Solver.
- screwsat :package::star: - simple CDCL SAT Solver.
- slp :package::skull: - became SolHOP.
- SolHOP :package: - aims to be a SAT and MaxSAT solver. Currently, a CDCL based SAT.
- Splr :package::diamonds::star: - modern CDCL SAT solver.
- starlit :construction: - CDCL SAT solver.
- Stevia :star: - simple (unfinished) SMT solver for QF_ABV.
- UASAT-RS - SAT solver based calculator for discrete mathematics and universal algebra.
- Varisat:package::package::package::package::package::package::package::package::star: - CDCL based SAT solver.
Proof assistant
- cobalt :construction: - a wip minimal proof assistant.
- Esther :construction: - simple automated proof assistant.
- LSTS :package::star: - proof assistant that is also a programming language.
- Noq :tv::star: - Not Coq. Simple expression transformer that is not Coq.
- Poi :package::star: - pragmatic point-free theorem prover assistant.
- qbar :package: - experimental automated theorem verifier/prover and proof assistant.
- Avalog :package::star: - experimental implementation of Avatar Logic with a Prolog-like syntax.
- Caso :package: - category Theory Solver for Commutative Diagrams.
- gpp-solver :package: - small hybrid push-pull solver/planner that has the best of both worlds.
- hoice :star: - ICE-based Constrained Horn Clause (CHC) solver.
- linear_solver :package::star: - linear solver designed to be easy to use with Rust enums.
- Logic solver :star: - logic solver.
- Mikino :package::package: - simple induction and BMC engine.
- Monotonic-Solver :package::star: - monotonic solver designed to be easy to use with Rust enum expressions.
- pocket_prover :package::package::star: - fast, brute force, automatic theorem prover for first order logic.
- reachability_solver :package: - linear reachability solver for directional edges.
- relsat-rs :baby_chick: - Experiments with provers.
- shari - the 🍣 prover.
Static Analysis & Rust verification tools
- contracts :package::star: - implements "Design By Contract" via procedural macros.
- Creusot :star: - tool for deductive verification of Rust code.
- crux-mir :star: - static simulator for Rust programs.
- cwe_checker :star: - finds vulnerable patterns in binary executables.
- electrolysis :star: - tool for formally verifying Rust programs by transpiling them into the Lean 2 theorem prover.
- Flux :star::lab_coat: - liquid types for Rust.
- Kani :star::lab_coat: - bit-precise model-checker, ensures that unsafe Rust code is actually safe.
- Loom :package::star: - concurrency permutation testing tool for Rust.
- matla - a manager for TLA+ projects.
- MIRAI :package::star: - intended to become a widely used static analysis tool for Rust.
- MirChecker :star::lab_coat: - simple static analysis tool.
- p4-analyzer - static analysis tool which checks P4 code for bugs.
- Prusti :star: - prototype verifier for Rust, built upon the the Viper verification infrastructure.
- Rudra :star::lab_coat: - static analyzer to detect common undefined behaviors in Rust programs.
- Rust static analysis/verification reading and resources :information_source: - for further reading.
- Rust verification tools :star: - collection of tools/libraries about static and dynamic verification of Rust programs.
- Rust verification tools (2021) :information_source: - list of Rust verification tools with a bias towards ‘formal methods’ tools.
- Rust verification tools list :information_source: - list of tools.
- RustHorn :lab_coat: - CHC-based Automated Verification Tool for Rust.
- RustHornBelt Library & Benchmarks :lab_coat: - support paper in preview.
- Rustproof :package::star: - compiler plugin, verification condition generator.
- Shuttle :package::star: - library for testing concurrent Rust code.
- Stateright :package::star: - model checker for implementing distributed systems.
- VeriWasm :package::star::lab_coat: - SFI verifier of Wasm binaries.
- verus :star: - verified subset of Rust for low-level systems code.
- Xori :star: - static analysis library for PE32, 32+ and shellcode.
- ArcsJs - Provable - set of ArcsJs focused tools for doing proofs on ArcsJs models.
- Bounded Registers :package::star: - high-assurance memory-mapped register interaction library.
- Chalk :package::package::package::package::package::package::package::star: - implements the Rust trait system, based on Prolog-ish logic rules.
- Charon - interface with the rustc compiler for the purpose of program verification.
- Kinō :skull: - re-implementation of the core verification engine of Kind 2 model-checker.
- Kontroli :package::package::package::tv::lab_coat::diamonds: - alternative implementation of the logical framework Dedukti.
- Metamath-knife - verify Metamath proofs.
- pocket_prover-set :package: - base logical system for PocketProver to reason about set properties.
- rate :package::package::package::package::package::diamonds: - clausal proof checker (DRAT, DPR) for certifying SAT solvers' unsatisfiability results.
- rlfsc :package: - checker for the LFSC proof language.
- second_opinion - verifier for Metamath Zero proof files.
- smetamath :package: :star: - parallel and incremental verifier for Metamath databases.
- Supervisionary :lab_coat: - experimental proof-checking system for Gordon's higher-order logic.
- t3p - optimized TESC (Theory-Extensible Sequent Calculus) verifier.
- Verifier :package: - Trivial proof verifier - an interface to the Metamath Zero kernel.
- CNF Parser :package: - efficient and customizable parser for the .cnf file format.
- DIMACS Parser :package: - utilities to parse files in DIMACS .cnf or .sat file format.
- Flussab CNF :package: - parsing and writing of the DIMACS CNF file format.
- FRAT-rs :lab_coat: - toolchain for processing and transforming files in the FRAT format.
- Lambda Term Parsing - explores different parser designs for a simple lambda term grammar.
- mmb-parser :package: - parser for the Metamath Zero binary proof format.
- olean-rs - parser/viewer for olean files.
- smt2 :package: - SMT-LIB 2 parsing library.
- tptp :package::diamonds: - parse the TPTP format.
- boolector :package: - safe high-level bindings for the Boolector SMT solver.
- bitwuzla-sys :package: - low-level bindings for the Bitwuzla SMT solver.
- boolector-sys :package: - low-level bindings for the Boolector SMT solver.
- CaDiCaL SAT solver :package: - bindings for the CaDiCaL SAT solver.
- cryptominisat-rs :package: - bindings for CryptoMiniSat.
- falcon-z3 :package: - bindings for Z3.
- IPASIR :package: - FFI bindings for the IPASIR incremental SAT solver interface.
- Kissat-rs :package: - bindings for the Kissat SAT solver.
- lean-sys :package: - bindings to Lean 4's C API.
- - bindings for SMTLIB2.
- rsmt2 :package::package::star: - generic library to interact with SMT-LIB 2 compliant solvers.
- Rust-SMT-LIB-API :package::skull::star: - generic high-level API for interacting with SMT solvers.
- rustproof-libsmt :package: - fork of
- z3 :package::package::star: - high-level and low-level Rust bindings for the Z3 solver.
- z3-rust :package: - high level bindings for the Microsoft's Z3 SMT solver.
- Z3D :package: - Z3 DSL interface.
- anthem - translate answer set programs to first-order theorem prover language.
- Cnfpack :package: - converts between DIMACS CNF file format and the compressed binary Cnfpack format.
- hz-to-mm0 - translator from HOL Zero / Common HOL to Metamath Zero.
- AbsoluteUnity - think Prolog, but less capable.
- Alice_rs :lab_coat::lab_coat: - implementation of a decision procedure for A Decidable Fragment of Separation Logic.
- Avatar Hypergraph Rewriting :package: - hypergraph rewriting system with avatars for symbolic distinction.
- coc - the calculus of constructions.
- compiler :package::baby_chick: - trivial compiler framework for Metamath Zero binary proofs.
- discrimination-tree :package: - discrimination tree term indexing.
- egg :package::star: - flexible, high-performance e-graph library.
- epilog :package: - collection of Prolog-like tools for inference logic.
- FALL :package: - easily embeddable, futures-friendly logic engine.
- Fathom :package::star: - declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats.
- foliage :package: - first-order logic with integer arithmetics.
- Joker Calculus :package: - implementation of Joker Calculus in Rust.
- Kravanenn :star: - set of tools for Coq.
- LogRu :package: - small, embeddable and fast interpreter for a subset of Prolog.
- mm0-rs :package::package::package::star::lab_coat::lab_coat: - MM0/MM1 server and utilities.
- mmb-binutils - utility tools for Metamath Zero binary proof files.
- mmb-types - library containing the definitions of the opcodes in the Metamath Zero binary proof files.
- moniker :package::package::star: - automagical variable binding library.
- nanoda :skull::star: - became nanoda-lib.
- nanoda_lib - type inference/checking functionality based on the Lean theorem prover.
- polytype :package::star: - Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing system.
- program-induction :package::star: - library for program induction and learning representations.
- rust-nbe-for-mltt :star: - normalization by evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with dependent records.
- rust-unify :package: :recycle: - unification algorithum implementation.
- Rusty Razor :package::package::package::star: - tool for constructing finite models for first-order theories.
- Satoxid :package: - library to help with encoding SAT problems.
- smt2utils :package::package::package::package: - libraries and tools for the SMT-LIB-2 standard.
- term-rewriting-rs :package: :star: - representing, parsing, and computing with first-order term rewriting systems.
- tribool :package: - three-valued logic.
- The Trivial Metamath Zero kernel :package: - Metamath Zero kernel for Trivial.
- Whisper :star: - logic Programming DSL.
Books code
There is numerous implementations of TAPL :book:, we keep only the most popular and keep an eye on implementations that worth attention.
- logic-rs :book::skull::star: - parser of relational predicate logic & truth tree solver
- plar-rs :book::ghost: - exploring John Harrison's Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning.
- tapl - implementation of TAPL.
- TAPL in Rust :star: - another collection of implementations of TAPL.
- tnt :book::package: - implementation of Hofstader's "Typographical Number Theory" from the book Gödel, Escher & Bach.
- types-and-programming-languages :star: - Exercises from Benjamin Pierce's TAPL textbook + extras!
Programming Language
- egglog :star: - using the egg library with a file format and semantics similar to datalog.
- High-order Virtual Machine (HVM) :star: - massively parallel, optimal functional runtime.
- isotope-prover-experiments :construction: :lab_coat: :lab_coat: - experimental dependently typed language supporting borrow checking.
- Kind2 :package::star: - modern proof language prototype successor of Kind-Lang.
- Last Order Logic :package: - experimental logical language.
- minihl - formal methods playgorund for MiniHeapLang language.
- minitt-rs :package::package::skull::star: - became Voile.
- Narc :package::star: - dependently-typed programming language with Agda style dependent pattern matching.
- Pikelet :package::star: - small, functional, dependently typed programming language.
- proto-vulcan :package::package: - miniKanren-family relational logic programming language.
- Scryer Prolog :package::star: - modern Prolog implementation.
- Symmetric Interaction Calculus :star: - match the optimal λ-calculus reduction algorithm perfectly.
- tako - experimental programming language for ergonomic software verification.
- TIP :baby_chick: - imperative programming language aimed at teaching fundamental concepts of static program analysis.
- Untyped Concatenative Calculus - toy programming language and prototype for Dawn.
- Voile :package::package::skull::star: - became Narc.
- zz :package::skull::star: - zymbolic verifier and tranzpiler to bare metal C.
- Canrun :package::star: - logic programming library inspired by the *Kanren family of language DSLs.
- miniKANREN :package: - miniKANREN as a DSL.
- rslogic :package::star: - logic programming framework for Rust inspired by µKanren.
- rust-kanren :star: - loose interpretation of miniKanren and cKanren.
- µKanren-rs :package::star: - implementation of µKanren.
Lambda Calculus
- blc :package: - implementation of the binary lambda calculus.
- Closure Calculus :package::lab_coat: - library for Barry Jay's Closure Calculus.
- lambda_calc :package: - command-line untyped lambda calculus interpreter.
- lambda_calculus :package::star: - simple, zero-dependency implementation of pure lambda calculus in safe Rust.
- lambda_calculus - no description.
- lambdacube :construction: - implementation of the lambda cube (and other type stuff).
- Lamcal :package::package: - lambda calculus parser and evaluator and a separate command line REPL.
Propositional logic
- Chevre :recycle: - small propositional logic interpreter.
- logic :package: :baby_chick: - crate for propositional logic.
- logic-resolver :baby_chick: - toy implementation of resolution for propositional logic.
- plc - propositional logic calculator.
- Prop :package: - library for theorem proving with Intuitionistic Propositional Logic.
- Propositional Tableaux Solver :package: - solver using the propositional tableaux method.
- Resolution Prover - resolution prover library for propositional logic.
- rs-logik :ghost: - propositional logic interpreter.
- rusty-logic :baby_chick: - propositional logic analysis.
- simple-proof-assistant :baby_chick: - a proof assistant kernel for minimal propositional logic.
- validator - small utility to test a propositional logic theorem prover.
- formal-systems-learning-rs - simulations to learn formal systems as typed first-order term rewriting systems.
- list-routine-learning-rs - simulations to learn typed first-order term rewriting systems that perform list routines.
- Minimal models - uses a SAT solver to find minimal partial assignments that are model of a CNF formula.
- n-queens-sat - modelling n-queens problem as conjunctive normal form and solving it with DPLL algorithm.
- nonogrid :package: - lightning fast nonogram solver.
- rummy_to_sat - implementation of a solver for Rummy.
- sudoku_sat - solve Sudoku variants with SAT solvers.
- Supermux - reduction of the superpermutation problem to Quantified Boolean Formula.
- Supersat - attempt to find superpermutations by reducing the problem to SAT.
- tarpit-rs :star: - type-level implementation of Smallfuck in Rust. Turing-completeness proof for Rust's type system.
- Verification for Dummies: SMT and Induction - broadly discusses induction as a formal verification technique.
Research Paper & Thesis
- Hardware/Software Co-Assurance using the Rust Programming Language and ACL2 - 2022.
- Extensible Functional-Correctness Verification of Rust Programs by the Technique of Prophecy - 2021.
- Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language - 2020.
- Simple Verification of Rust Programs via Functional Purification - 2016.
- Artifact Evaluation: Kani Rust Verifier :lab_coat: - Kani Rust Model Checker artifact for ICSE 2022 Artifact Evaluation.
- flux-demo - small examples that demonstrate how flux works.
- A Formal Verification of Rust's Binary Search Implementation. :uk:
- Kani Rust Verifier Blog :uk:
- Splr notebook. :jp:
- Research notebook about improving with Rust the performance of nonclausal automated theorem provers. :uk::diamonds:
- Articles about a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs. :uk:
- Varisat notebook. :uk:
Crates keywords
- solver - 81 entries. :100:
- logic - 41 entries. :100:
- verification - 27 entries. :100:
- sat - 26 entries. :100:
- smt - 26 entries. :100:
- satisfiability - 23 entries. :100:
- rewriting - 8 entries. :100:
- prover - 8 entries. :100:
- first-order - 6 entries. :100:
- cnf - 6 entries. :100:
- smt-lib - 6 entries. :100:
- metamath-zero - 5 entries. :100:
- z3 - 5 entries. :100:
- dependent-types - 5 entries. :100:
- dimacs - 5 entries. :100:
- Johannes Altmanninger - rate.
- Mikko Aarnos - Serkr.
- ammkrn - nanoda, nanoda_lib, second_opinion.
- Yechan Bae - Rudra, Satire.
- Clark Barrett - Rust-SMT-LIB-API.
- Mathieu Baudet - smt2utils.
- James Bornholt - rustsat, Shuttle.
- Mario Carneiro - FRAT-rs, hz-to-mm0, mm0-rs, olean-rs, smetamath.
- Adrien Champion - hoice, Kinō, matla, Mikino, rsmt2, SAT-MICRO, Verification for Dummies.
- Michelle Cheatham - rusty-logic.
- Alex Chew - Z3D.
- Simon Cruanes - BatSat.
- Ariel Davis - coc.
- Xavier Denis - Creusot, RustHornBelt Library & Benchmarks, Rust verification tools (2021).
- Sushant Dinesh -
- Craig Disselkoen - boolector.
- Mark Drobnak - p4-analyzer.
- Bruno Dutertre - rust-smt-ir.
- Thomas Dziedzic - lambda_calculus.
- endeav0r - falcon-z3.
- Enkelmann - cwe_checker.
- Aodhnait Étaín - Esther.
- Michael Färber - CoP, Kontroli, Lambda Term Parsing, meancop, research notebook about improving with Rust the performance of nonclausal automated theorem provers.
- FireFighterDuck - Alice_rs, Kissat-rs, minihl.
- Robin Freyler - CNF Parser, DIMACS Parser, Stevia.
- Galois, Inc. - crux-mir.
- Jad Ghalayini - isotope-prover-experiments, lean-sys.
- Nathan Graule - rs-logik.
- Brandon H. Gomes - qbar.
- Robert Grosse - cryptominisat-rs.
- Masaki Hara - Logic solver, RatSat.
- Jannis Harder - Cnfpack, Flussab CNF, Minimal models, starlit, Varisat, Varisat notebook.
- David S. Hardin - Hardware/Software Co-Assurance using the Rust Programming Language and ACL2.
- Timothée Haudebourg - smt2.
- Son HO - Charon.
- Sarek Høverstad Skotåm - CreuSAT.
- Tero Huttunen - proto-vulcan.
- Ranjit Jhala - flux-demo.
- Andrew Johnson - LSTS.
- Evan Johnson - VeriWasm.
- Dylan R. Johnston - Formally Verifying Rust's Opaque Types.
- Ralf Jung - Understanding and Evolving the Rust Programming Language.
- karroffel - contracts.
- Prateek Kumar - msat, rsat, slp, SolHOP.
- Alexey Kutepov - Noq.
- Ivan Ladelshchikov - nonogrid.
- Andrea Lattuada - verus.
- lcnr - cobalt.
- Shea Leffler - tarpit-rs, whisper.
- Nico Lehmann - Flux.
- Carl Lerche - Loom.
- ljedrz - blc, lambda_calculus.
- Patrick Lühne - anthem, foliage.
- Michael Madden - Xori.
- Scott J Maddox - Untyped Concatenative Calculus.
- Harald Maida - Lamcal.
- Miklos Maroti - cadical-rs, relsat-rs, uasat-rs.
- Niko Matsakis - Chalk, Kani, plar-rs.
- Yusuke Matsushita - Extensible Functional-Correctness Verification of Rust Programs by the Technique of Prophecy, RustHorn.
- mcmfb - lambda_calc.
- Bruce Mitchener - z3.
- Lucas Morales - polytype, program-induction.
- Dominic Mulligan - Supervisionary.
- Jon Nadal - Stateright.
- neuring - rummy_to_sat, Satoxid.
- Sven Nilsen - Avalog, Avatar Hypergraph Rewriting, Caso, Debug-SAT, Joker Calculus, Last Order Logic, linear_solver, Monotonic-Solver, pocket_prover, pocket_prover-set, Poi, Prop, reachability_solver.
- Yuichi Nishiwaki - shari.
- Alex Ozdemir - rlfsc.
- Chris Patuzzo - Supermux, Supersat.
- Pierre-Marie Pédrot - Kravanenn.
- Arvid E. Picciani - zz.
- Dan Pittman - Bounded Registers.
- Christian Poveda - Chevre.
- Joshua Pratt - ArcsJs - Provable, tako.
- Michael Rawson - discrimination-tree, lazyCoP, lerna, lickety, SATCoP, tptp.
- Alastair Reid - Articles about a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs,Rust verification tools ,Rust verification tools list.
- Nathan Ringo - FALL.
- Erik Rohkohl - n-queens-sat.
- Marco Concetto Rudilosso - validator.
- Josh Rule - formal-systems-learning-rs, list-routine-learning-rs, term-rewriting-rs.
- Salman Saghafi - Rusty Razor.
- Michael Salter - Rustproof, rustproof-libsmt.
- Ryan Schroeder - AbsoluteUnity, epilog.
- Carol Schulze - gpp-solver.
- skbaek - t3p.
- Narazaki Shuji - Splr, Splr notebook, sudoku_sat.
- snsinfu - dpll-sat.
- Mikhail Solovev - bitwuzla-sys, boolector-sys.
- SymmetricChaos - tnt.
- Victor Taelin - High-order Virtual Machine (HVM), Kind2, Symmetric Interaction Calculus..
- Mark Thom - Scryer Prolog.
- Fabian Thorand - LogRu.
- Hitoshi Togasaki - scrapsat, screwsat.
- Callum Tolley - plc
- Aaron Trent - tribool.
- Sebastian Ullrich - A Formal Verification of Rust's Binary Search Implementation, electrolysis, Simple Verification of Rust Programs via Functional Purification.
- V4kst1z - tapl, TIP.
- Alexa VanHattum - Artifact Evaluation: Kani Rust Verifier (Kani).
- Pavol Vargovčík - z3-rust.
- Herman Venter - MIRAI, Rust static analysis/verification reading and resources.
- David A. Wheeler - Metamath-knife.
- Max Willsey - egg.
- Ivo Wingelaar - compiler, mmb-binutils, mmb-parser, mmb-types, The Trivial Metamath Zero kernel, Verifier.
- Jieyou Xu - Propositional Tableaux Solver.
- Brendan Zabarauskas - Fathom, moniker, Pikelet, rust-nbe-for-mltt.
- Eric Zhang - µKanren-rs.
- Tesla Ice Zhang - minitt-rs, Narc, Voile.
- Felix Zhu - lambdacube.
- Li Zhuohua - MirChecker.
- Philip Zucker - egglog.