react-stepzilla copied to clipboard
not start isValidated method (react refs new style)
I cannot start isValidated() method in my step
I found what stepMoveAllowed(skipValidationExecution = false)
method in StepZIlla cannot properly check this because this.refs is empty
else if (Object.keys(this.refs).length == 0 || typeof this.refs.activeComponent.isValidated == 'undefined') {
console.log(this.refs); // return EMPTY OBJECT
// if its a form component, it should have implemeted a public isValidated class (also pure componenets wont even have refs - i.e. a empty object). If not then continue
proceed = true;
my libraries
"react": "^15.3.2",
"react-addons-css-transition-group": "^15.5.2",
"react-bootstrap": "^0.30.10",
"react-dom": "^15.5.4",
"react-dropzone": "^3.13.0",
"react-hot-loader": "^3.0.0-beta.6",
"react-overlays": "^0.6.12",
"react-redux": "^5.0.4",
"react-router": "3.0.5",
"react-router-bootstrap": "^0.23.2",
"react-router-dom": "^4.1.1",
"react-router-redux": "^4.0.8",
I change to stepMoveAllowed()
method....but cant check with HOC validation
stepMoveAllowed(skipValidationExecution = false) {
let proceed = false;
if (this.props.dontValidate) {
proceed = true;
else {
if (skipValidationExecution) {
// we are moving backwards in steps, in this case dont validate as it means the user is not commiting to "save"
proceed = true;
else if (this.props.hocValidationAppliedTo.length > 0 && this.props.hocValidationAppliedTo.indexOf(this.state.compState) > -1) {
// the user is using a higer order component (HOC) for validation (e.g react-validation-mixin), this wraps the StepZilla steps as a HOC, so use hocValidationAppliedTo to determine if this step needs the aync validation as per react-validation-mixin interface
proceed = this.activeComponent.isValidated();
else if (typeof this.props.steps[this.state.compState].component.type.prototype.isValidated === 'undefined') {
// if its a form component, it should have implemeted a public isValidated class (also pure componenets wont even have refs - i.e. a empty object). If not then continue
proceed = true;
else {
// user is moving forward in steps, invoke validation as its available
proceed = this.activeComponent.isValidated();
return proceed;
and in render method change refs:
const componentPointer = this.props.steps[this.state.compState].component;
// can only update refs if its a regular React component (not a pure component), so lets check that
if (componentPointer instanceof Component || // unit test deteceted that instanceof Component can be in either of these locations so test both (not sure why this is the case)
(componentPointer.type && componentPointer.type.prototype instanceof Component)) {
cloneExtensions.ref = (ref) => { this.activeComponent = ref };
cloneExtensions.key = window.location.pathname;
compToRender = React.cloneElement(componentPointer, cloneExtensions);
@romanlex Is your Step component a pure component?
Can you paste your Step code or post a complete example.
I am having this issue also. Here is a full component. @romanlex change seems to work for me.
When i debug this.refs.activeComponent.refs.component seems this is undefined but and this.refs.activeComponent.isValidated() works for me.
import React from "react";
import {config} from 'components/create/config';
import {createActions} from 'components/create/actions/createActions';
import {createStore} from 'components/create/stores/createStore';
export default class CreateType extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
options: config.createType.options,
this.isValidated = this.isValidated.bind(this);
isValidated() {
// Do some checking
return true
render() {
return (
<section className="create_section">
{ =>{
return (
<div className="create_type_container" id={} key={} onClick={this.setActiveType.bind(this)}>
<h4 className="create_label">{option.label}</h4>
@jnordling @romanlex let me look into this further. I noticed that in @romanlex's package.json, that your "react": "^15.3.2" and "react-dom": "^15.5.4" don't match... I could be wrong but I believe it's best practice that they match in version.
I do suspect this has something to do with your higher react-dom version, but let me investigate.
I've run into the same issue and @romanlex fix has worked for me so far. Will stay tuned for a more official fix/update.
@newbreedofgeek is there a chance for this to be fixed soon, I'll definitely need this. I mean this feature is one of the reasons i wanted to use this library. Thanks
I also need this feature, in my opinion is the point that makes better this library compared to others. On the other hand, with @romanlex fix, isValidated is firing, the problem is that inside isValidated method this.props is undefined, so I can't fire getStore()/updateStore(). The difference between @romanlex fix and mine is that I have a child component like this:
{name: 'Primary Application', component: <GenericStep explanation = {this.explanation1} ><PrimaryApplication getStore={() => (this.getStore())} updateStore={(u) => {this.updateStore(u)}}/></GenericStep>}
So I'm calling isValidate like this proceed = this.refs.activeComponent.props.children.type.prototype.isValidated();
Could be this the reason of my issue?
i have run into the same issue, please let me know if any of you found an a way to solve it !!
Hey guys ,
Having the same issue.
MainComponent :
<div className='step-progress'>
My step 5
import React, {useState, Component, Fragment} from 'react';
import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl';
import messages from './messages';
import Card from 'components/Card/Loadable'
import {Grid, Button, TextField} from '@material-ui/core'
import SweetAlert from 'sweetalert-react';
import {toast} from 'react-toastify'
import 'sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.css';
import './style.scss'
import {Helmet} from "react-helmet";
import Promise from 'promise';
class ClusterCreateStepReview extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.isValidated = this.isValidated.bind(this);
isValidated() {
// Do some checking
return true
render() {
return (
<div className="stepper-content">
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Card title="Summary">
Cluster name
export default ClusterCreateStepReview;
And having this issue :
react-dom.development.js?61bb:289 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'refs' of undefined
at StepZilla.stepMoveAllowed (main.js?90db:304)
at StepZilla.abstractStepMoveAllowedToPromise (main.js?90db:325)
at (main.js?90db:248)
at onClick (main.js?90db:407)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js?61bb:149)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js?61bb:199)
at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js?61bb:256)
at invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js?61bb:270)
at executeDispatch (react-dom.development.js?61bb:561)
at executeDispatchesInOrder (react-dom.development.js?61bb:583)
Issue seems to be here
proceed = this.refs.activeComponent.refs.component.isValidated();
My knowledge in React is very limited , so might be something I'm doing wrong ?
This is a pretty important issue for myself as well. Our group specifically chose this component for its validation capability, and I'm running into this same issue.
Think there is a calculation error somewhere. I was trying to trigger isValidate() for my first step but it always failed on the line mentioned above
proceed = this.refs.activeComponent.refs.component.isValidated();
I changed hocValidationAppliedTo={[0]}
to hocValidationAppliedTo={[-1]}
and it started working 🤷