CoreDragon copied to clipboard
Xcode 8 PBXcp error: "Couldn't create directory ... not a directory"
I recently inherited a project that contained CoreDragon 0.1.1 (and MeshPipe 0.1.3) via CocoaPods.
After updating pods to the latest version (CoreDragon 0.1.3) and migrating to Xcode 8/Swift 3, I saw this error upon building the project:
Deleting both of the Copy...Public Header build phases in the MeshPipe Target made the build errors go away, but with this new error in DragonController.m: 'MeshPipe/CerfingMeshPipeTransport/CerfingMeshPipe.h' file not found
...Which I fixed by doing this:
Not sure if there's something unique about my setup. I did use "pod install" to remove CoreDragon (and its 4 submodules) and re-add it a number of times before I came to the above solution.
I got this issue two, Mesh Pipe is causing the issues. It would be nice if this was optional, since moest people just need the drag drop and not the app to app drag and drop
Thanks @weien - your solution works for me and everything seems to work fine although I haven't tried app to app dragging yet. Will confirm when I've done that too.
Thanks for the feedback @jcampbell05 and @siburb -- if I get some time I'll try to break it into subspecs to make cross-app d&d optional! Would also appreciate a PR with podspec change :D
Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the bug described above. In a clean project with this podfile, it works fine for me:
⋊> ~/D/test cat Podfile 21:48:03
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'test' do
# Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks
# use_frameworks!
# Pods for test
pod 'CoreDragon'
Thanks for the update, @nevyn! My podfile does include use_frameworks!
in the first uncommented line, not sure if that (or what else) could be an issue.