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A Python Toolbox for Statistics and Neurophysiological Signal Processing (EEG, EDA, ECG, EMG...).

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hi, i'm planning to use a neurokit example. But I am not able to follow the example due to an error. How can I fix it? I changed the scikit-learn...

Hi there, I am using Neurokit to analyze EDA data for the first time and I'm having an issue with the bio_process function. My data was acquired with 2000 samples/sec....

The sklearn.externals.joblib module was deprecated in favor of a dependency on joblib - see Miscellaneous section in 0.21 changelog: ) This PR removes sklearn.externals.joblib and uses the external joblib...

Hi All I am planning to use the Neurokit biosignal processing toolbox for feature extraction and epoch generation for my experiment EDA, ECG, EMG data. However i first tried the...

Hey, I'm having an issue with these two functions. I am using the below code: ``` ecg = nk.ecg_preprocess(ecg=data, sampling_rate=sample_rate) rpeaks = ecg["ECG"]["R_Peaks"] ecg = ecg["df"]["ECG_Filtered"] ecg_waves = nk.ecg_wave_detector(ecg=ecg, rpeaks=rpeaks)...

Hi @DominiqueMakowski , Hope your postdoctoral position in Singapore is great! Remember I emailed you a few months ago! Listen, I've been studying your package since past january now, and...

closes #98 Since I had to make the change for our lab anyway, I thought I may as well open a pull request. Let me know if this functionality is...

I am getting type error while using bio_process. Below is my code. "i = 1 bio = nk.bio_process(ecg=df_respiban[i][:]['ECG'],rsp=df_respiban[i][:]['RESP'], ecg_quality_model=None, ecg_filter_frequency=[1,35], sampling_rate=100)" Error is as follows, ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\nolds\ in sampen(data, emb_dim, tolerance,...

Thanks for making this awesome tool, I've recently found this and this will certainly make my life easier. I have a request from my PI to do bandpass filtering, but...