ArduinoMenu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ArduinoMenu copied to clipboard

Menu Title shows 14 characters only when using 16x2_I2C LCD's

Open NeftaliLoya opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

Hello... I´m using your "LCD_Malpartida/I2C/I2C.ino" example and it shows only 14 characters from the menu's title string. Example: MENU(mainMenu," MENU PRINCIPAL ",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle shows only the following caption: MENU PRINCIPA. I am using a 16*2 LCD. All other portions of your outstanding code work like a charm.

Also, I need to use the encoder's data outside the menu´s code space; however, I couldn't find a suitable way to do it with the encoder library used on your example "menuIO/encoderIn.h". Given the inherent limitations of the ATMEGA-328 in which I'm using your outstanding menu library, the use of your "menuIO/clickEncoderIn.h" library just to gain access to the encoder's data, requires the ATMEGA-328's Timer1; however, Timer1 is already used in another task which must be carried out within strict time constraints.

I surely hope you can help me once again...

Thank you in advance for your support!

NeftaliLoya avatar Jul 29 '20 01:07 NeftaliLoya