picopickle copied to clipboard
A simple yet extensible shapeless-based serialization library
See https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cpicopickle
Following code results in lockup when compiling (phase typer): ``` case class Recipe(title: String, description: Option[String] = None, ingredients: Seq[Ingredient], directions: Seq[String], images: Option[Seq[String]] = None) val baseRecipe = new...
I am wondering if there is a plan to support scala.js in the near future?
API documentation, implementation notes, etc.
For example, allow defining (or define now, if it is already possible) extended converters for BSON backend, something like ``` scala val datetime: Converter.Id[Date] = ... // Date -> BDateTime...
Currently converters DSL does not support nicer error handling as regular serializers do, but converters are supposed to be the main way to define serializers.
Would be nice to be able to format JSON into a human-readable text.