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python wrapper for Awair Air Quality Sensor

Python Wrapper for Awair Air Quality Sensor

Build Status Coverage Status This project is a alpha wrapper for the Awair Air Quality Sensor API.

Using the Library

The Awair Developer program is currently under beta. You may request a personal token with the awair team.

Creating yor Auth object

Once you get the token create a new object of the AwairAuth type by passing in the token from the Awair Dev site as a str.

>>> auth = AwairAuth('''My_Token''')

>>> auth.token

This object of type AwairAuth must be passed into all API calls to ensure that you can successfully pass your authentication request to the Awair API.

Example Functions

The following functions shows some basic examples of working with the Awair Python binding to gather data from the Awair API.

Getting you User Data

Issue the following command to get your user data

 >>> from pyawair.devices import *
 >>> get_user_data(auth)
[{'deviceId': 0,
  'deviceType': 'awair',
  'latitude': 123.4567,
  'locationName': 'My Home',
  'longitude': 123.4567,
  'name': 'Bedroom',
  'preference': 'GENERAL',
  'spaceType': 'HOME',
  'timezone': 'US/Pacific'}]

Issue the following command to get all devices registered to your account

[{'deviceId': 0,
  'deviceType': 'awair',
  'latitude': 123.4567,
  'locationName': 'My Home',
  'longitude': 123.4567,
  'name': 'Bedroom',
  'preference': 'GENERAL',
  'spaceType': 'HOME',
  'timezone': 'US/Pacific'}]

We've also created a helper function to allow you to request just the data on the a single Awair device by specifying the name of the device

The following command will get the details for a device named Bedroom_Awair

get_dev_details(auth, device_name='Bedroom')
{'deviceId': 0,
 'deviceType': 'awair',
 'latitude': 123.4567,
 'locationName': 'My Home',
 'longitude': 123.4567,
 'name': 'Bedroom',
 'preference': 'GENERAL',
 'spaceType': 'HOME',
 'timezone': 'US/Pacific'}

Getting Device Data

To access device data functions, you must first import the data module into your coding environment

from import *
Get Current Air Data
get_current_air_data(auth, device_name='Bedroom')
[{'indices': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 0.0}],
  'score': 100.0,
  'sensors': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 100.0}],
  'timestamp': '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'}]
Get 5 Minute Average
get_5_min_average(auth, device_name='Bedroom')
[{'indices': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 0.0}],
  'score': 100.0,
  'sensors': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 100.0}],
  'timestamp': '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'}]
Get 15 minute average
get_15_min_average(auth, device_name='Bedroom')
[{'indices': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 0.0}],
  'score': 100.0,
  'sensors': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 100.0}],
  'timestamp': '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'}]
Get Raw Data
get_raw_data(auth, device_name='Bedroom')
[{'indices': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 0.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 0.0}],
  'score': 100.0,
  'sensors': [{'comp': 'TEMP', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'HUMID', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'CO2', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'VOC', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM10', 'value': 100.0},
   {'comp': 'PM25', 'value': 100.0}],
  'timestamp': '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'}]

AwairDev Class

The AwairDev class has been provided as a way to interface with an Awair Air quality device in an object oriented manner. The primary use-case for the AwairDev class is to provide the base for building device driver support for the Home-Assistant project (HassIO). If you are interested in exposing your Awair Device to your Home-Assistant instance, you can see an early example of this work here

*thanks to @danielsjf for this work!

from pyawair.objects import AwairDev
my_awair = AwairDev('Bedroom', auth)
Out[27]: 'awair'
Out[29]: 100.0
Out[30]: 100.0