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chore: add note about how to attach debugger

Open Skn0tt opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments

Debuggers are always helpful in debugging. This PR adds a little guide on how to do it to the CLI docs :)

Skn0tt avatar Dec 22 '23 09:12 Skn0tt

📊 Benchmark results

Comparing with 12d7464caa694359a6826d3e3ad54feb9e8b10fd

  • Dependency count: 1,345 (no change)
  • Package size: 313 MB ⬆️ 0.00% increase vs. 12d7464caa694359a6826d3e3ad54feb9e8b10fd
  • Number of ts-expect-error directives: 1,001 (no change)

github-actions[bot] avatar Dec 22 '23 09:12 github-actions[bot]

What warnings? I'm not seeing any 😅

Skn0tt avatar Apr 25 '24 13:04 Skn0tt

oh the ones by vale! yeah, one of them warnings was good :D

Skn0tt avatar Apr 25 '24 13:04 Skn0tt