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[BUG] milvus_client.py文件中的过滤效率问题
是否已有关于该错误的issue或讨论? | Is there an existing issue / discussion for this?
- [X] 我已经搜索过已有的issues和讨论 | I have searched the existing issues / discussions
该问题是否在FAQ中有解答? | Is there an existing answer for this in FAQ?
- [X] 我已经搜索过FAQ | I have searched FAQ
当前行为 | Current Behavior
qanything_kernel/connector/database/milvus/ 文件中,当搜索该段落的前后相关文件时,current_chunk_id小于0的就没必要搜索了,因为拆分的段落不可能有负数的
def process_group(self, group):
new_cands = []
group.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.metadata['chunk_id'].split('_')[-1]))
id_set = set()
file_id = group[0].metadata['file_id']
file_name = group[0].metadata['file_name']
group_scores_map = {}
# 先找出该文件所有需要搜索的chunk_id
cand_chunks = []
for cand_doc in group:
current_chunk_id = int(cand_doc.metadata['chunk_id'].split('_')[-1])
group_scores_map[current_chunk_id] = cand_doc.metadata['score']
for i in range(current_chunk_id - 200, current_chunk_id + 200):
need_search_id = file_id + '_' + str(i)
if need_search_id not in cand_chunks:
期望行为 | Expected Behavior
if need_search_id not in cand_chunks and i >= 0:
运行环境 | Environment
- OS:
- NVIDIA Driver:
- Docker Compose:
- NVIDIA GPU Memory:
QAnything日志 | QAnything logs
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复现方法 | Steps To Reproduce
No response
备注 | Anything else?
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