netbox-topology-views copied to clipboard
Devices in topology keep rotating
Hi, I've installed this plugin (version 0.4.8) on NetBox (version 2.8.4) and I have this strange behaviour: devices keep rotating without stop in a fixed position. When I hit the search button (several time) they just stop.
Thanks for the support!
Thanks for reporting this. I will look into what could cause this but i am not sure if i will be able to provide a solution as the graph itself is 'created' by a 3th party library
Thanks @mattieserver! Which library do you use? Vis.js (my curiosity)? Maybe it's worth a try upgrading the library? Let me know if you are able to reproduce the bug or if you need a hand (I'm not an expert developer but I can try)
It is indeed vis.js, or only the network part (vis-network). I believe I used the latest version, unless they released a new version in the last week.
I managed to reproduce the bug, but only if i have set the custom field 'coordinates' for some devices. Do you use that custom field?
Nope, this issue happens when I change the roles loaded by default and then hit search. In fact, if I do not touch anything before hit search this bug doesn't show. Then, to stop the rotation I have to hit search button several time.... this is very odd. How about disabling physics in vis.js?
All devices are stacked on top of each other then. I will check if i can use another solver, now its 'forceAtlas2Based'.
The very odd fact is that is all working good until I touch form field... maybe some action to retrieve form field suggestion values make a conflict with the vis library?
I cannot change the physics to another type because then the coordinates within the plugin would be 'incorrect'. So it seems like we are stuck.
@mattieserver , perhaps button that enables/disables physics ones the initial solver phase.