webapp copied to clipboard
NodeJS helper Application for managing local deployments of netboot.xyz
netboot.xyz webapp
This repo houses the netboot.xyz webapp that provides a web interface for editing iPXE files and downloading assets locally to the app.
Building netboot.xyz webapp locally
docker build . -t netbootxyz-webapp
Running it locally
docker run -d \
--name=netbootxyz-webapp \
-e MENU_VERSION=2.0.73 `# optional` \
-p 3000:3000 `# sets webapp port` \
-p 69:69/udp `# sets tftp port` \
-p 8080:80 `# optional` \
-v /local/path/to/config:/config `# optional` \
-v /local/path/to/assets:/assets `# optional` \
--restart unless-stopped \
- Port 3000- Web Application
- Port 8080- NGINX Webserver for local asset hosting
- Port 69- TFTP server for menus/kpxe files