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Is there a specific way to set up adding multiple users under the domain.
Is there a specific way to set up adding multiple users under the domain.
Hey @iamshiyan Are you using a self-hosted or managed version? In case of a managed version, accounts with the same org private doing will end up in the same network.
Under the self-hosted version, each user is an administrator.
Right @iamshiyan For the self-hosted version you will need to generate a unique account ID and add it to every user that you want to be in the same account in your IDP (Auth0). The wt_account_id claim should be also added to the JWT token.
In the hosted version we classify domains and add this ID automatically.
I think that the best option for the self-hosted version would be to have a user invite feature that would allow to invite users via email. This would require an SMTP server running though.
Invitation function? How do I use it and where do I set it up?
@iamshiyan I probably didn't express myself very well. We don't have this implemented yet, but will add soon.
Looking forward to it, when will it be launched?
@iamshiyan we planned it for Q4 this year. It might be coming earlier thought :)
This option is the default for the newly deployed self-hosted version. Please open a new issue in case you need support on migrating your users.