flyingACE copied to clipboard
A Cocos2d-3.0 games about plane fighting, using Cocos2d-x-3.3 binding c++. Cocos2dx游戏《王牌飞行员》,使用Cocos2d-x-3.3开发
flyingACE (王牌飞行员)
- Difficult in Chinese? -> English Version
- 这是一个使用Cocos2d-x-3.X 开发的飞机大战游戏,实际版本为Cocos2d-x3.3
- 开发博客:
- Cocos引擎中文官网同步更新:
- 优酷 Demo:
- Youtube Demo:
开发环境 Dev Environment
- Linux OS (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
- Eclipse 4.4.1
- Cocos2d-x-3.3
- Android SDK 4.4.2 (API 19)
- Android NDK r10d
- gcc 4.8
配置方法 Configure
mkdir MyGame && mkdir -p MyGame/cocos2dNew && cd MyGame
cocos new FlyingACE -l cpp -p com.YOURNAME.flyingACE -d cocos2dNew/
git clone
rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Classes/ && rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Resources/ && rm cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/
cp -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/* flyingACE/
sed -i 's/screenOrientation="landscape"/screenOrientation="reversePortrait"/' flyingACE/
rm -r cocos2dNew/
- 然后用Eclipse导入Android工程即可。
游戏界面 GUI
类功能分布 Files
- AppDelegate: 程序入口,初始化Director类的参数,场景构建,布景层挂载
- BulletLayer: 子弹层,用批量渲染技术加载子弹并维护子弹数据
- BulletUserData: 子弹数据
- ControlLayer: 游戏控制层,负责分数显示和暂停按钮
- EnemyLayer: 敌机层,加载敌机并维护敌机数据,检测敌机与子弹、敌机与我机及碰撞
- EnemyUserData: 敌机数据
- GameBackgroundLayer: 布景层,实现地图加载,循环滚动
- GameScene: 游戏主场景
- PlaneLayer: 飞机层,渲染飞机动画,响应用户滑屏操作
- PlaneUserData: 飞机数据
- ResultBackgroundLayer: 游戏结果场景中显示背景图片的层
- ResultButtonLayer: 游戏结果场景中显示并回调按钮事件的层
- ResultScene: 游戏结果场景
- SelectBackgroundLayer: 选择关卡界面背景层
- SelectButtonLayer: 选择关卡界面按钮层
- SelectScene: 选择关卡场景
- UFOLayer: 不明飞行物层,目前用于投放武器加强的buff和大招buff
- UFOUserData: 数据记录类,用于记录gift的类型
- WelcomeBackgroundLayer: 欢迎界面中的背景层
- WelcomeButtonLayer: 欢迎界面中的按钮回调函数
- WelcomeScene: 欢迎界面
鸣谢 Thanks
- 特别感谢TexturePacker的作者Andreas Löw为本次开发提供Pro版的序列号
- Thanks to Mr. Andreas Löw (the author of TexturePacker), for prividing the free key of TexturePacker pro.
联系方式 Contact Me
- Email: [email protected]
- QQ: 394062113
关键字 Keywords
flyingACE ( Document in English )
- This is a Cocos2dx game about aircraft fighting (using Cocos2dx binding C++). During this commit, the version of my Cocos2d is Cocos2d-x3.3.
- Development Blog
- Youku Demo:
- Youtube Demo:
Dev Environment
- Linux OS (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
- Eclipse 4.4.1
- Cocos2d-x-3.3
- Android SDK 4.4.2 (API 19)
- Android NDK r10d
- gcc 4.8
mkdir MyGame && mkdir -p MyGame/cocos2dNew && cd MyGame
cocos new FlyingACE -l cpp -p com.YOURNAME.flyingACE -d cocos2dNew/
git clone
rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Classes/ && rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Resources/ && rm cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/
cp -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/* flyingACE/
sed -i 's/screenOrientation="landscape"/screenOrientation="reversePortrait"/' flyingACE/
rm -r cocos2dNew/
- And then, Import the project with Eclipse for Android project.
- AppDelegate: The init access of the program. Init the Direct and construct the Scenes.
- BulletLayer: Bullet Layer, using SpriteBatchNode to load bullets.
- BulletUserData: The data struct defined by myself. Recording the damage of each bullet.
- ControlLayer: Game Control Layer, it provide the function of displaying scrore and pause button.
- EnemyLayer: Loading the enemys, and also, prividing the interface of the crash detecting.
- EnemyUserData: The datastruct recording the some paramater of enemy plane, like HP.
- GameBackgroundLayer: Background Layer, auto loading the background image and rolling.
- GameScene: The main scene of the game, contain the most object.
- PlaneLayer: Plane Layer, Interactive layer of the game.
- PlaneUserData: The datastruct recording the some paramater of enemy plane, like HP.
- ResultBackgroundLayer: Show the background image in the result scene.
- ResultButtonLayer: Show the button in the result scene.
- ResultScene: Game result scene.
- SelectBackgroundLayer: To show Select Scene's background.
- SelectButtonLayer: To show Select Scene's button.
- SelectScene: Select Scene.
- UFOLayer: This layer is used for some buffs, like enhance the bullet or get the big bomb.
- UFOUserData: The data structure recording the kind of UFO gift.
- WelcomeBackgroundLayer: Show the background image in the welcome scene.
- WelcomeButtonLayer: Show the button in the welcome scene.
- WelcomeScene: Welcome scene, the loading image.
- Thanks to Mr. Andreas Löw (the author of TexturePacker), for prividing the free key of TexturePacker pro.
Contact Me
- Email: [email protected]
- QQ: 394062113