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SSDP client + server to use in your react-native apps
I am using react-native-ssdp in a react native example project. I have the following code: ```typescript import { Client } from 'react-native-ssdp'; import { filter } from './constants' export function...
Hello, fairly new on the react-native scenario. I need a few informations on how to use this lib properly, excuse me for my lack of experience on this framework. Ok,...
SSDP.prototype._start adds listeners, but SSDP.prototype._stop doesn't remove them. The result is sock can be null when 'listening' is called. Should the client.stop() method remove listeners?
Upgrading react-native-udp to ^4.0.0 will break, causing a `dgram.createSocket is not a function` I suggest to use `import dgram from 'react-native-udp';` in lib/index.js instead of `var dgram = require('react-native-udp');`
This fixes #29, and also add react-native-network-tools as a dependency. Basically fixes all the problems I had when first fine now!
Recent version of react-native and npm does not support installing peer dependencies, hence, in the node_modules/react-native-ssdp, none of the required modules are installed. Please write new readme docs for latest...
react-native link command generate code have no change about react-native-ssdp or react-native-udp, so I try to write by myself, but, the npm install react-native-ssdp have no dir named android or...
We may need to expose a function in SSDP prototype where clients can set broadcast property to true/false. I saw a @ReactMethod exposed from the UdpSockets native module, which we...