crud copied to clipboard
eager relation load breaks foreign key update
When relation set to eager loading, update a foreign key will be failed.
partial entity
export class Book {
When update catId
it will load cat
to override the update.
in found
and only catId
in dto
The result will be
"catId": "new value",
"cat": {"id":"old value"}
will use object
instead of id
I can confirm that I have the same issue. I see that there is a separate branch for the fix... what is the status on the fix?
@alexmantaut thanks for the attention. you can see after the refactor this issue seems gone.
you can try the next
version or just waiting for the next release.
btw, @zMotivat0r When is it released?
Just tested with next and it seems to work.
Looking forward for the next release.
I'm having the same issue, anyway to hack this until it will be fixed?
same issue, It's not fix for now.
oh, it's back again
don't need ...found
save - Saves a given entity or array of entities. If the entity already exist in the database, it is updated. If the entity does not exist in the database, it is inserted. It saves all given entities in a single transaction (in the case of entity, manager is not transactional). Also supports partial updating since all undefined properties are skipped. Returns the saved entity/entities.
recently, I have a lot of work to do. It would be great if someone could help to fix.
I got the same issue and solved it by just override it. so it could update foreign key value.
@ParsedRequest() req: CrudRequest,
@ParsedBody() dto: Hero,
) {
return this.base.createOneBase(req, dto);
where dto: Hero
for your entity. In my case is customersEntity
@hsuanyi-chou isn't createOne for creating a new entity? I have also tried with updateOne, but still having issue.
sorry, my mistake!
I copied the example code but forgot to replace createOne
to updateOne
here is my code. backend nestJs:
updateOne(@ParsedRequest() req: CrudRequest, @ParsedBody() dto: CustomersEntity) {
return this.base.createOneBase(req, dto); // my mistake! forgot to replace `createOne` to `updateOne`
in frontend, still using patch to update my data with id in params. (in case of this issue being fixed, just remove the backend parts.)
it doesn't insert a new data, but update the data.
frontend angular:
const body = {
shopId: this.customerForm.get('shopId').value, // the foreign key
name: this.customerForm.get('name').value.trim(),
birth: this.customerForm.get('birth').value,
phone: this.customerForm.get('phone').value || ''
this.http.patch<Customer>(`api/customers/${this.customerForm.get('id').value}`, body).subscribe(res => { ... });
I don't know why.😨
I created a PR a couple weeks back that should fix this issue, see #622 - I wanted to ask whether there is anything I could help with to get this PR merged / released?
Its a tough year and time is probably short in favor of more important things (health and keeping your sanity in 2020), so let me know what can be done to help.
I'd like to re-raise this issue @zMotivat0r - Does the PR I submitted look good? I currently need to maintain a fork of the project in our application because this breaks functionality with PATCH.
a temporary solution:
updateOne(@ParsedRequest() req: CrudRequest, @ParsedBody() dto) {
const newReq = _.cloneDeep(req)
newReq.options.query.join = {}
return this.service.updateOne(newReq, dto)
I use lodash to copy req object with out reference if you directly change req , it affect other request such as getOne or getMany
Hi all, I'm having the same issue, whether to wait for a fix?
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; /**
- At the moment we have an issue while trying PUT or PATCH foreign keys with ?join=relation.
- So if we have relationID_1 = 1 and relationID_2 = 2 and will try to replace them to some different one the change wouldn't happen,
- bc the current flow of TypeOrmCrudFramework:
- search an exemplar with current params
- it returns the current exemplar with included join relations
- save the full entity with overriding params and if we put included child relations
- then it would override the previous ones, bc child relations were got from point 1)
- that's why we get this strange behavior decorator */
export function FixUpdateReplaceOne<T extends { new (...args: any[]): any }>(
target: T,
) {
const decoratedClass = class extends target {
constructor(...args: any[]) {
async _callFunctionWithOverrideParams(
args: any[],
func: string,
): Promise<Array<any>> {
const id = args[0].parsed.paramsFilter.find(
(params) => params.field === args[0],
const newArgs = cloneDeep(args);
newArgs[0].parsed.join = [];
Object.keys(newArgs[0].options.query.join).forEach((key) => {
if (newArgs[0].options.query.join[key].eager === true) {
newArgs[0].options.query.join[key].eager = false;
newArgs[1] = { ...newArgs[1], [id?.field]: id?.value };
await super[func].call(this, ...newArgs);
return super.getOne({
async updateOne(...args: any[]) {
return await this._callFunctionWithOverrideParams.apply(this, [
async replaceOne(...args: any[]) {
return await this._callFunctionWithOverrideParams.apply(this, [
Object.defineProperty(decoratedClass, 'name', {
return decoratedClass;
Then in your service
export class YourService extends TypeOrmCrudService<YourEntity> {
public repo: Repository<YourEntity>,
) {
It seems being due to a strange TypeORM behaviour. Issue have been raised: