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fix(common): when transforming undefined numeric values
Transforming numeric values in validationpipe is incorrect when value is undefined
closes #12864
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PR Type
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- [x] Bugfix
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What is the current behavior?
This issue occurs when using ValidationPipe with transform: true
option set.
When this option is set and query/param arguments on an endpoint are used that are optional/have a default value, when no value/invalid value is passed to this query/URL param, it results in a NaN value, instead of the default value or having it be set to undefined in case it's an optional param.
Issue Number: #12864
What is the new behavior?
Values of the sort mentioned will now be parsed as undefined and converted to undefined.
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 4421a15f-4fad-4fed-a0b6-753367b142e5
- 2 of 2 (100.0%) changed or added relevant lines in 1 file are covered.
- No unchanged relevant lines lost coverage.
- Overall coverage increased (+0.002%) to 92.26%
Totals | |
Change from base Build 2893054b-b3fe-4fee-a01d-9c529a7f6e46: | 0.002% |
Covered Lines: | 6699 |
Relevant Lines: | 7261 |
💛 - Coveralls
@Hareloo the same issue happens for other types such as Enums and Strings, on both @Query and @Param decorations. I'll try to provide a subset of a project I'm working on (I'm currently migrating to swc, so that's how I caught it).
Small example:
public async get(
@Query('status', new ParseEnumPipe(MyStatusEnum, { optional: true })) status?: MyStatusEnum,
): Promise<ResponseModel> {
Is this change still blocked?
@stuarthimmer-loop it's a breaking change so we'll need to wait till the next major release