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Svelte components for data visualisation and utilities for data transformation.
We need to find or write eslint plugins for various problems we got so far: - we should never be able to commit if in the `@svizzle/foo` package we import...
The font selection panel sometimes breaks up by rendering full labels instead of resorting to arrow buttons, which appears like below:
Dapsboard is already so generic that you can use it with a generic ES instance just by providing endpoints and schemas in .yaml files. In this sense, should we call...
From ``` export const resizeHandler = ( node, { onResize, onResizeEnd, onResizeStart, timeout = 500 } = {} ) => { let resizing = false; const started = size...
We tried the below config, which would remove almost all semicolons, making it for a much cleaner code. ``` semi: - error - never - beforeStatementContinuationChars: never ```
We need to update `doc/` with the newer procedure, as we do things a bit diffently now.
> You can use the --if-present flag to avoid exiting with a non-zero exit code when the script is undefined. This lets you run potentially undefined scripts without breaking the...