teleplot copied to clipboard
Ridiculously-simple telemetry viewer. Plots charts in browser from any apps (bash, C++, and more!)
Hello, Thank you for creating this. This is probably the only serial plotter I can find on the marketplace. So I enabled the extension from VS Code marketplace, pasted your...
Could be nice if the value sent was hexadecimal. May be thanks to a flag ?
Unable to drag and drop series from serial connection. The cursor changes, but, no effect on drop. I can save to json, edit layout and import back. The web app...
Is there a way of removing a variable from multi-series chart? The method I am using is pressing `Clear` and dragging all the variables from scratch. And is there a...
Hi, Thank you for this tool! Automatic scaling is often a very good thing, but in many cases it's necessary to have a fixed scale. Is it possible to add...
The number format is not displayed well in the widget I’m using teleplot extension with vscode. Thank you for the great software
I click the teleplot button, and it opens teleplot. I then choose /dev/ttyACM0 on the serial menu. When I click open, nothing happens until I get a window saying it...
flag clr
Hello, Thank you for your Teleplot. I’m using teleplot extension with vscode, i want to clear the screen after send 100 points. Documentation says " Using clr flag when sending...
Hi, First of all nice job with the application, very useful. My issue is next, I am using an ESP32 board called ESP32-EVB from Olimex: This board has Ethernet...
I'd like to sync a teleplot view of (already exported) data to an external time source - basically as a controllable history viewer the time source would send a UDP...