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Simple PHP client for ElasticSearch

Results 20 elasticsearch issues
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After changing CURLOPT_RETURN_TRANSFER to getting response with ob_ f…nctions, response will never be false (empty string instead) cause of this exceptions will never throw.

hello, deleteByQuery http method is 'POST', uri use '_delete_by_query' url eg: right: ```php public function deleteByQuery($query, array $options = array()) { $options += array( 'refresh' => true ); if...

The HTTP transport will always return `["error" => "", "code" => 0]` in case of network error. This makes debugging difficult. At line 207 below, we check if $response is...

Hello, using the size or from parameters in search function, I had this error: `{ "error" : "Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported", "status" : 406 }` Except error on...

It would make it a bit easier to work with if you could tag a release so https://github.com/nervetattoo/elasticsearch/commit/a22859baf38c9c49e23234d767bb508873c0971c is in one. We switched elastic search versions and this was a...

In short: this PR proposes a way to monetize open-source development of your project. The idea is similar to how free-to-play works in gamedev industry: "You are free to wait...

Hi When doing a lot of requests with the same Client instance, the php process consumes a lot of memory over time. I have php processes consuming 5GB right now....

[2016-02-06 19:53:56] production.INFO: /events/event/_mapping [] [] [2016-02-06 19:53:56] production.INFO: PUT [] [] [2016-02-06 19:53:56] production.INFO: {"properties":{"starts_at":{"type":"date","format":"dd-MMM-yyyy h:mma"},"ends_at":{"type":"date","format":"dd-MMM-yyyy h:mma"}}} [] [] [2016-02-06 19:53:56] production.INFO: {"error":"IndexMissingException[[events] missing]","status":404} [] []

Basically, the title. I need to get elastic records with the same ids as a mysql result set. So, how can I perform mget, or what is an acceptable alternative?...