Fun fact, I got an update available for the one with the "oldest" version, today. But they're still not at the same version😁 
> Hi, I'm trying to increase the active_power report frequence like you did (for now reporting every 30min, unusable) > > the conf_report seems to works, but active_power does not...
> Thank you @fairecasoimeme it's working ! Hi @Ozaroth, would you mind sharing the conf snippet you're using, please? :)
> Hi @nerthazrim you want my conf for active_power ? If yes my config for active_power is the same as you and not working for me too, the value is...
Well, actually, quick one for you @fairecasoimeme: we can read here (on a similar issue) > We don't pull date from the device, the device push data upon changes,...
Hi, Same thing here with a Zlinky received with firmware 4000-0013. Should I write the attribute "OTA current_file_version" to 13? Is it mandatory to be able to update OTA when...
Hi @fairecasoimeme, hope you won't mind the ping. Just making sure you've seen the questions, please :)
J'ai également le même souci avec ZHA avec un zlinky_tic sur un compteur Linky en mode Standard. Avec zha_toolkit, quand je lance ceci (qui correspond à l'entité Active Power) :...
Bonjour, Problème similaire de mon côté, sauf que je viens de recevoir mon Zlinky et que j'ai une Zigate : impossible de détecter le Zlinky avec ZHA. Je n'ai par...
Bonjour @mattzeer, as-tu trouvé la source de ton problème ? J'ai réussi à appairer mon Zlinky_TIC tout neuf avec mon install Home Assistant + Zigbee2MQTT sur RPI3 mais j'ai un...