streusle copied to clipboard
Omitting spatial in_front_of and on_top_of:
./ streusle.go.json +lc=P +ll!="on top of|in front of" +ss +ss2 upos="ADP.*NOUN.*ADP'[)]$"
# b'a38b99b' ~ ./ streusle.go.json +lc=P '+ll!=on top of|in front of' +ss +ss2 'upos=ADP.*NOUN.*ADP'"'"'[)]$'
# _sentid _tokoffset lexcat lexlemma ss ss2 _context
reviews-062167-0004 15-18 P in the midst of p.Manner p.Manner I found her through a colleague one day when one of my clients was >> in the midst of << a panic attack and needed professional help that I am not qualified to provide .
reviews-080814-0002 15-17 P in term of p.Topic p.Topic These guys really know their stuff .. they have almost anything you could want >> in terms of << spy and surviellance equipment .
reviews-162422-0003 22-25 P in the middle of p.Manner p.Locus When we walked in , the person behind desk said : " oh well , you must wait , I am >> in the middle of << something . "
reviews-183172-0003 18-21 P with the exception of p.PartPortion p.PartPortion I was not happy with the way they looked , very wavy , uneven edges , and >> with the exception of << 1 , there is a dip in the center of each nail .
reviews-186275-0002 8-10 P in need of p.Manner p.Locus I will gladly recommend you to anyone >> in need of << or looking for a good florist .
reviews-215460-0003 4-6 P in spite of p.Circumstance p.Circumstance Apart from that >> in spite of << my repeated attempts I could not get in touch with the manager to even lodge an official complaint .
reviews-235211-0005 23-25 P in search of p.Manner p.Locus We have had many conversations with them and they have always been extremely patient with me as I tried on multiple hats >> in search of << the right costumes for my magic act .
reviews-268952-0004 10-12 P in need of p.Manner p.Locus I would recommend Bayside Chiropractic to anyone who is >> in need of << a regular adjustment or is suffering from a chronic condition .
Can SNACS supersenses do these justice? Are they more predicate-like? Should we include BE in the MWEs and treat them as verbal?
Also now
# _sentid _tokoffset lexcat lexlemma ss ss2 _context
reviews-023926-0002 8-10 PP on top of p.Characteristic p.Locus Mercedes and Dan are very thorough and >> on top of << everything !