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Attested but undocumented construals
The following 30 construals are attested between 1 and 3 times in the data, but not documented in the current guidelines. Let's look at them to see which are worth documenting, which are borderline but worth keeping in the data, and which should be reannotated.
1 p.Agent p.Locus
3 p.Beneficiary p.Gestalt
1 p.Characteristic p.Manner
1 p.ComparisonRef p.Beneficiary
1 p.Cost p.Extent
1 p.Direction p.Goal
1 p.Experiencer p.Agent
1 p.Explanation p.Manner
1 p.Extent p.Whole
2 p.Gestalt p.Purpose
1 p.Gestalt p.Source
2 p.Gestalt p.Topic
1 p.Goal p.Whole
3 p.Instrument p.Manner
1 p.Instrument p.Theme
3 p.Manner p.Source
1 p.Manner p.Topic
1 p.Means p.Path
1 p.Originator p.Instrument
1 p.Possession p.PartPortion
3 p.Possession p.Theme
2 p.Purpose p.Goal
2 p.Purpose p.Locus
1 p.Purpose p.Theme
1 p.SocialRel p.Source
3 p.Stimulus p.Source
1 p.Stimulus p.Theme
1 p.Theme p.Accompanier
1 p.Theme p.Characteristic
2 p.Time p.Extent
The 1 Purpose~>Theme
token is a bug; it should be Theme~>Purpose
. CC @jakpra