Joseph Prosper
Joseph Prosper
How to fix this issue `Call to undefined method Atymic\Twitter\Service\Accessor::postTweet()`
Error when I run comand `docker-compose run php php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load` `06:38:39 ERROR [console] Error thrown while running command "doctrine:fixtures:load". Message: "Couldn't connect to host, Elasticsearch down?" ["exception" => Elastica\Exception\Connection\HttpException^...
```` body x-www-form-urlencoded ``` { "code": "rest_not_logged_in", "message": "You are not currently logged in.", "data": { "status": 401 } } ```
I success install via docker-compose but i get this error `GET 502 (Bad Gateway)` on browser console and page is blank how can i fix this issue