Nermina Miller

Results 50 comments of Nermina Miller

@itamarhaber I'll take care of this in a day or two.

We're closing this issue. If you need further information or additional guidance, we'll reopen the issue.

@ashtul @oshadmi @rafie please begin adding your detailed feedback and corrections

@oshadmi please check again. Vector already links to the docs you recommended in the body of the arguments section. If it looks good, please merge.

@oshadmi please merge this when you get the chance. I need to update the syntax on all search commands.

@itamarhaber please merge when you get the chance. I'll review the ACL doc page and open a separate PR if needed.

@itamarhaber closed and opened a new PR to get rid of previous commit artifacts

@itamarhaber ok to merge? I rolled back the structural changes.

Yes, that's a typo. We'll fix. Thanks for bringing it up!