Results 96 comments of Ralph Doncaster

> > > Regarding the clock: There certainly could be some low frequency noise that leads to local variation. Have you checked whether there is any consistent drift? That would...

I think the best solution is to structure the core so that the millis code only gets linked in when millis is called somewhere in the user code. That's what...

The way to implement is to have the millis() function, the interrupt handler, and the initialization all in the same .o. If the linker never sees a call to millis(),...

Coincidentally, I've been planning to implementing something like this with picoboot-lib. When you flash the bootloader, it will have a tuner program included. When avrdude first runs, the tuner program...

> > Sweet - how do you tune it though, is the question? Like - I can think of lots of ways to tune.... but not a clear way to...

picoboot-lib v0.3 with autotuning has been pushed, and is ready for testing. I'll update the README later today. I did my initial testing with a t85 that is 1-2% fast...

Have you looked at picoboot yet? It should be a drop-in for optiboot, but with a higher baud rate, less flash usage (320B + 2B for the virtual reset vector),...

Do you have any stats on which MCUs are the most popular for ATTinyCore? The new picoboot supports the tx5, tx4, and tx8, which I think should cover the vast...

I looked at the t841 datasheet, and in addition to the funky way of writing to flash, it also has a different OSCCAL register. So supporting it looks like it...

Although the ARM SWD spec says, "The probe reads data from SWDIO on the rising edge of SWDCLK.", I found a better description that says the probe should read after...