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PHP AMF3 extension

AMF3 encoding/decoding extension for PHP

PHP-AMF3 extension provides the following API:

amf3_encode(mixed $value [, int $opts = 0 ])

Returns a binary string containing an AMF3 representation of $value. On error, returns FALSE and issues a warning message. The $opts argument is a bitmask of the following bit constants:

  • AMF3_FORCE_OBJECT: force encoding non-indexed arrays as anonymous objects;

Objects implementing AMF3Serializable interface can customize their AMF3 representation:

class MyClass implements AMF3Serializable {
    public function __toAMF3() {
        return [
            'foo' => $this->getFoo(),
            'bar' => $this->bar,

amf3_decode(string $data [, int &$pos [, int $opts = 0 ]])

Returns the value encoded in $data. Optional $pos marks where to start reading in $data (default is 0). Upon return, it contains the index of the first unread byte (-1 indicates an error). The $opts argument is a bitmask of the following bit constants:

  • AMF3_CLASS_MAP: enable class mapping mode (see the usage constrains below);
  • AMF3_CLASS_AUTOLOAD: enable the PHP class autoloading mechanism in class mapping mode;
  • AMF3_CLASS_CONSTRUCT: call the default constructor for every new object in class mapping mode;


To install the extension, type the following in the source directory:

make install

This should install the extension in your default PHP extension directory. If it doesn't work as expected, manually put the target library where the extension_dir variable in your php.ini points to. Add the following line to the corresponding section in your php.ini:

To run tests, type:

make test

Usage constraints

  • PHP NULL, boolean, integer, float (double), string, array, and object values are fully convertible to/from their corresponding AMF3 types;
  • AMF3 Date becomes a float value whereas XML, XMLDocument, and ByteArray become strings;
  • In a special case, PHP integers are converted to AMF3 doubles according to the specification.
  • A PHP array is encoded as an indexed array when it has purely integer keys that start from zero and have no gaps. An empty array adheres to this rule. In all other cases, an array is encoded as as associative array to avoid ambiguity.
  • When class mapping is disabled (the default), AMF3 objects are returned as associative PHP arrays. Otherwise, they are returned as PHP objects.