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Hey, Just wondering how you handle the queueing up of multiple `listCompletions ` requests. I'm noticing that if I queue up several requests back to back, the service starts to...

![rename symbol in vscode]( Not sure how hard this would be it would be amazing for refactoring. Here's the [API documentation for the provider]( For my purposes, I would really...

It would be awesome if there was a way to list symbols for a class. This is something sublime text does out of the box. This is really helpful when...

Wondering what the thought is behind all the non-json elements in the response files? ``` RESULT=FAILURE #SECTION START: ERROR LIST ERROR: {"filePath":"/Users/jonas/Documents/code/apex-autocomplete/bin/tmp2.cls","line":48,"column":8,"text":"mismatched input '}' expecting {'instanceof', '(', '[', ';', '.',...

This is a continuation of the issue from Looks like it might not be an issue directly with but rather the salesforce tooling api.

In recent versions, runTestsAsynchronous expects 'classid', 'suiteid', 'maxFailedTests': This causes issues building the jar.