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Nvim Node.js client and plugin host

Results 39 node-client issues
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Do I miss something or is the support for extended marks missing? From the [Neovim docs]( I would expect that `Buffer` gets new methods/properties, e.g. `setExtmark()`.

## Description is a fast, reliable cross platform Node.js version manager which is authored in rust, and also managers globally installed node_modules in a unique manner. This helps ensure...

Currently piecemeal and vague. Would be great if everything was properly documented: 1. What are sync, range, and nargs parameters? They're mentioned repeatedly but what are they? 2. `NVIM_NODE_HOST_DEBUG=1`? This...

Mentioned in numerous places but I can't find any documentation on them.

This is more a tracking issue. Pynvim offers the ability to export RPC functions from the plugin decorator. This should be supported by node-client as well.

UIs and other Nvim applications often [search for Nvim]( in the system/environment, or else they require users to specify an exact path. - similar usecase is [firenvim's get_progpath()]( though that...


Glad to see node plugin support [landed]( in Neovim 0.2.2! 🎆 This project README still references installing node-host. What are the new requirements for building a Neovim plugin in node?...

This is currently a WIP to address #58, I've only added a failing test case for this behavior. Someone feel free to pick this up because I'm not sure what's...

help wanted

``` @Autocmd('BufUnload', { sync: true, pattern: '*', eval: 'expand("")' }) public async onBufUnload(bufnr: string):Promise { logger.debug(`file: ${bufnr} remove`) } ``` The `bufnr` here is always the buffer number of current...


Bumps [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( from 4.33.0 to 6.15.0. Release notes Sourced from @​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin's releases. v6.15.0 6.15.0 (2023-12-18) Features eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] add new rule (#7957) (ff75785), closes #2846 eslint-plugin: [require-array-sort-compare] support toSorted (#8052)...
