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## PR bot: goals 1. Get the build status of the last 20(?) recently-active PRs. 2. Gather/parse/summarize the build logs. 3. Leave a comment on the PR or _update existing... if any of the files change, we need a reminder to run `scripts/genunicodetables.lua`.

Reasoning: I opened this issue for 3 reasons: 1. I read through this repository's shell scripts and noticed a handful of parts which could use refactoring. 2. Implementing some of...

(migrated from Use [ python script]( to generate help doc HTML instead of the old awk script. [done]( @tweekmonster also did work on an improved vimdoc-to-HTML generator, might want...

Potential tools: 1. ~~ doesn't look maintained - - used by debian: 2. good results 👍

Currently we use doxygen to generate C API docs in HTML form: [This project]( can convert doxygen to sphinx format. For example, the vis project [uses breathe]( to publish...

I made a shell script to automate building pdf versions of the documentation as discussed in [this post]( on reddit. It uses `wget` and `pandoc` [Repository]( Further information is in...

## Problem: The HTML :help docs generated by the old `doc_html` task (which is driven by an old awk script `runtime/doc/makehtml.awk`). Besides being hard to maintain (ad hoc parser and... ``` vim.cmd({command}) See |[vim.cmd()](|. ``` The linked page doesn't exist:

Fist of all great job with the docs site and search! I just tried it for the first time and tried searching and noticed a small glitch. When I go...