SwiftyFORM icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwiftyFORM copied to clipboard

iOS framework for creating forms

SwiftyFORM by Simon Strandgaard

Build Status Version Platform Swift Package Manager Carthage MIT License

SwiftyFORM is a lightweight iOS framework for creating forms

Dark Mode supported

Because form code is hard to write, hard to read, hard to reason about. Has a slow turn around time. Is painful to maintain.

SwiftyFORM demo on YouTube


  • iOS 12+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Swift 5.1+


  • [x] Several form items, such as textfield, buttons, sliders
  • [x] Some form items can expand/collapse, such as datepicker, pickerview
  • [x] You can create your own custom form items
  • [x] Align textfields across multiple rows
  • [x] Form validation rule engine
  • [x] Shows with red text where there are problems with validation
  • [x] Strongly Typed
  • [x] Pure Swift
  • [x] No 3rd party dependencies


Tutorial 0 - Static text

import SwiftyFORM
class MyViewController: FormViewController {
    override func populate(_ builder: FormBuilder) {
        builder += StaticTextFormItem().title("Hello").value("World")

Tutorial 1 - TextField

import SwiftyFORM
class MyViewController: FormViewController {
    override func populate(_ builder: FormBuilder) {
        builder += TextFieldFormItem().title("Email").placeholder("Please specify").keyboardType(.emailAddress)

Tutorial 2 - Open child view controller

import SwiftyFORM
class MyViewController: FormViewController {
    override func populate(_ builder: FormBuilder) {
        builder += ViewControllerFormItem().title("Go to view controller").viewController(FirstViewController.self)

Advanced - date picker

class DatePickerBindingViewController: FormViewController {
    override func populate(_ builder: FormBuilder) {
        builder += datePicker
        builder += incrementButton
        builder += decrementButton
        builder += SectionFormItem()
        builder += summary
    lazy var datePicker: DatePickerFormItem = {
        let instance = DatePickerFormItem()
        instance.title = "Date"
        instance.datePickerMode = .date
        instance.behavior = .expandedAlways
        instance.valueDidChangeBlock = { [weak self] _ in
        return instance
    lazy var incrementButton: ButtonFormItem = {
        let instance = ButtonFormItem()
        instance.title = "Next Day"
        instance.action = { [weak self] in
        return instance
    lazy var decrementButton: ButtonFormItem = {
        let instance = ButtonFormItem()
        instance.title = "Previous Day"
        instance.action = { [weak self] in
        return instance
    lazy var summary: StaticTextFormItem = {
        return StaticTextFormItem().title("Date").value("-")
    func updateSummary() {
        summary.value = "\(datePicker.value)"
    func offsetDate(_ date: Date, days: Int) -> Date {
        var dateComponents = DateComponents()
        dateComponents.day = days
        let calendar = Calendar.current
        guard let resultDate = calendar.date(byAdding: dateComponents, to: date) else {
            return date
        return resultDate
    func increment() {
        datePicker.setValue(offsetDate(datePicker.value, days: 1), animated: true)
    func decrement() {
        datePicker.setValue(offsetDate(datePicker.value, days: -1), animated: true)

Advanced - Validation

Change password form

class ChangePasswordViewController: FormViewController {
    override func populate(_ builder: FormBuilder) {
        builder.navigationTitle = "Password"
        builder += SectionHeaderTitleFormItem().title("Your Old Password")
        builder += passwordOld
        builder += SectionHeaderTitleFormItem().title("Your New Password")
        builder += passwordNew
        builder += passwordNewRepeated
        builder.alignLeft([passwordOld, passwordNew, passwordNewRepeated])
    lazy var passwordOld: TextFieldFormItem = {
        let instance = TextFieldFormItem()
        instance.title("Old password").password().placeholder("required")
        instance.keyboardType = .numberPad
        instance.autocorrectionType = .no
        instance.validate(CharacterSetSpecification.decimalDigitCharacterSet(), message: "Must be digits")
        instance.submitValidate(CountSpecification.min(4), message: "Length must be minimum 4 digits")
        instance.validate(CountSpecification.max(6), message: "Length must be maximum 6 digits")
        return instance
    lazy var passwordNew: TextFieldFormItem = {
        let instance = TextFieldFormItem()
        instance.title("New password").password().placeholder("required")
        instance.keyboardType = .numberPad
        instance.autocorrectionType = .no
        instance.validate(CharacterSetSpecification.decimalDigitCharacterSet(), message: "Must be digits")
        instance.submitValidate(CountSpecification.min(4), message: "Length must be minimum 4 digits")
        instance.validate(CountSpecification.max(6), message: "Length must be maximum 6 digits")
        return instance
    lazy var passwordNewRepeated: TextFieldFormItem = {
        let instance = TextFieldFormItem()
        instance.title("Repeat password").password().placeholder("required")
        instance.keyboardType = .numberPad
        instance.autocorrectionType = .no
        instance.validate(CharacterSetSpecification.decimalDigitCharacterSet(), message: "Must be digits")
        instance.submitValidate(CountSpecification.min(4), message: "Length must be minimum 4 digits")
        instance.validate(CountSpecification.max(6), message: "Length must be maximum 6 digits")
        return instance


Swift Package Manager

With Swift Package Manager support in the latest Xcode, installation has never been easier.

Open your Xcode project -> File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...

Search for SwiftyFORM and specify the version you want. The latest tagged release is usually a good idea.


To integrate SwiftyFORM into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify the following in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
swift_version = '5.0'
platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'SwiftyFORM', '~> 1.8'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Link to demo project that shows a minimal SwiftyFORM app using Carthage.

To integrate SwiftyFORM into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "neoneye/SwiftyFORM" ~> 1.8

Then, run the following command:

$ carthage update

Finally, add SwiftyFORM.framework (will be built by Carthage under Carthage/Build/iOS/) to your project's Linked Frameworks and Libraries in the General tab, and add a new Run Script Build Phase:

  • Set /bin/bash as the shell
  • write /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks in the script body
  • add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/SwiftyFORM.framework to the input files


  1. Open up Terminal application and cd into your iOS project directory

  2. ONLY IF your project is not already initialized as a git repository, run

$ git init
  1. Add SwiftyFORM as a submodule by running
$ git submodule add https://github.com/neoneye/SwiftyFORM.git
  1. In the Project Navigator, select your application project and go to "Targets" -> "General"

  2. Open the project folder and drag the SwiftyFORM.xcodeproj file into the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" tab of your application.

  3. Click the + button under the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section and Add the SwiftyFORM.framework


  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
  • If you found a bug, have suggestions or need help, please, open an issue.
  • If you need help, write me: [email protected]