Nick Young
Nick Young
It looks like that issue occurs if you don't pass cookies. should fix it
What post url are you having this problem with? That's a lot of comments, so would involve hundreds of requests
You got further than I did then - Facebook only lets me extract 6180 top level comments from this post. I note a lot of the comments are just spam,...
Do you have an example post ID that isn't working at all?
Perhaps you were temporarily banned for excessive scraping
I see - try
We can only work with what Facebook gives us. If all they say is "5 months ago", that's all the level of time accuracy the scraper can extract
At the time I ran that, the comments weren't very old so showed more time information. Try: ```python set_noscript(True) post = next(get_posts(post_urls=[5284284578322619], options={"comments": "generator"})) for comment in post["comments_full"]: print(comment["comment_time"]) ```...
The scraper only works with is much harder to work with.
Yes, seems 239366402785275 requires you to be logged in to see posts. Try open in an incognito window, you can see there's no posts there. So you'll need to...