Nick Young
Nick Young
Merged 👍
This isn't possible on
You can fetch all posts in the group and filter to just posts containing your desired text
Why not? This library is capable of scraping thousands or tens or thousands of posts in mere minutes.
tibiatya is a Page, not a Profile. You should use `get_page_info` instead of `get_profile`
What pageName causes that exception?
I see - try, this should fix the problem
Most users don't access Facebook from Google Cloud, so Facebook is more suspicious of requests from there. If they say you need to login, you need to login.
That syntax looks mostly fine to me, but I think you probably intended to have the `if post['time'] < datetime.datetime(2020,1,1):` statement indented within the `for` loop. I'm unable to reproduce...
Which page are you having this problem with? Try pass cookies as per the readme