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In macosx, example 4 runs but no object
Hello and thank you for a great tutorial series!
Ive used your tutorials successfully on windows but was trying to move over to mac for practical reasons. Tutorial 1 runs fine out of the box in VS 2017 on macosx. Tutorial 2-4 which are the ones im the most interested in builds and runs but there are no objects. See attached image. Any ideas on how to make the examples work? Has anyone else had any experience running the examples on mac?

According to OpenGL Extensions Viewer my version of opengl should support 3.3. So idk what gives
I changed the constructor to this: public Game() : base(512,512, new GraphicsMode(32,24,0,4),"...", GameWindowFlags.Default, DisplayDevice.Default, 3, 3, GraphicsContextFlags.ForwardCompatible)
It removes the error in the console but still nothing
Thanks, I'll be taking a look into it as soon as I can. Which model Mac are you on?
Oh nice I wasnt sure you would reply. In the meantime I have been looking for examples of OpenTK used on Mac apart from immediate mode drawing but have found nothing. Here is a screenshot of my specs.
Can you test if changing the version in the shaders to 130
works for Tutorial 4 on your computer?
Sadly it doesnt, it still cant compile the shaders.

Not sure if this is info you need but GL.GetString(StringName.Version) returns "4.1 INTEL-10.36.23" and GL.GetString(StringName.ShadingLanguageVersion) returns "4.10"
Another note: It seems that GL.GetShaderInfoLog(address) and GL.GetProgramInfoLog(pgmID) doesnt return anything at all.