food-delivery-ios-app icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
food-delivery-ios-app copied to clipboard

A food delivery application built using Swift for iOS. The application uses Pushers notifications feature to send push notifications to mobile devices.

Food Delivery Application

A food delivery application built using Swift for iOS. The application uses Pushers notifications feature to send push notifications to mobile devices.

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  • A Mac with Xcode installed.
  • Knowledge of using Xcode.
  • Knowledge of Swift.
  • A Pusher account.
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js.
  • Cocoapods installed on your machine.


  • Download the repository.
  • cd to both apps directory and run pod install in them both.
  • Open both applications workspace file in Xcode.
  • Set up your Pusher push notifications app (if you want to test push notifications).
  • Copy Backend/config.example.js to Backend/config.js and enter your applications credentials.
  • Run node index.js inside the Backend directory.
  • Run the Xcode application(s).

⚠️ To test the Push notifications you will need to first use Ngrok to tunnel your backend application, change the URL to the API in the AppDelegate of both projects, then run the applications on your iOS device. You also need a paid Apple Developer account.