Joel B
Joel B
q3map and q3map2 start out portal files like this: ```c fprintf( pf, "%s\n", PORTALFILE ); fprintf( pf, "%i\n", num_visclusters ); fprintf( pf, "%i\n", num_visportals ); fprintf( pf, "%i\n", num_solidfaces );...
FWIW, as a sanity check I modified TB to do an extra std::getline in the PRT1 case, to swallow the num_solidfaces integer. (Obviously this naive change would then break the...
Ah yeah, it's this line: ```c size_t ptr = 3; ``` Starts reading at the fourth integer in the line (after throwing away all the spaces and parentheses). For the...
Yah hmm. Well, my C++ streams-fu is super rusty, but maybe something like: after reading the num_visportals line, mark the stream position. Read the next line, see if it is...
Something like this?
All good, will do.
FYI rather than saving the MIME type description file directly into directory ~/.local/share/mime, I think the more xdg-ish way to do that is: ``` xdg-mime install --novendor --mode user x-quakemap.xml...
Ah I didn't notice that "magic" section you had there... very cool.
Just for kicks I tried loading this map with whatever my current old build of TB is on Linux. So I'm not exactly replicating your environment here, but I wanted...
Yeah, the game config actually does support setting a "default face texture" but then it would not be used for anything. The discussion was in issue #3067 . There's some...