coc-highlight icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
coc-highlight copied to clipboard

Document highlight and document colors LSP support for coc.nvim


Provide default highlight for coc.nvim, including document highlight (highlight of current document symbol) and colors highlight.

Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at 9 11 33 AM


In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-highlight


  • Highlight symbol of current position in all positions of current buffer (when no document highlight provider exists from language server).
  • Highlight colors of current buffer (when no color provider exists from language server).


To enable highlight current symbol on CursorHold, add:

autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')

to your .vimrc or use the coc_current_word plugin which provides configurable delayed highlighting independently from the user's updatetime setting.

To add colors support for all filetypes, use:

"colors.filetypes": ["*"],

to your settings.json.

To pick a different color, use command:

:call CocAction('pickColor')

Note: only works on Mac or have python gtk module installed.

To pick a different color presentation, use command:

:call CocAction('colorPresentation')


  • highlight.disableLanguages, List of filetypes to ignore for this extension.
  • highlight.document.enable, Set to false to disable document symbol highlight.
  • highlight.colors.enable, Set to false to disable color highlight.
  • highlight.colorNames.enable, Set to false to disable highlight of color names.


Q: Why color highlight is not shown on my vim?

A: First, make sure "coc.preferences.colorSupport" is not false in your coc-settings.json, then make sure you have set termguicolors in your .vimrc, and your terminal support true color.

Q: How to change highlight of the current symbol.

A: All you need is overwrite the highlight group, checkout :h coc-highlights
