statuskit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
statuskit copied to clipboard

A serverless status page kit to deploy your own status page everywhere, based on Hexo.


A serverless status page kit to deploy your own status page everywhere, based on Hexo.
用 StatusKit 在任何地方部署你的 Status Page,基于 Hexo。

Version Author Hexo node.js

Contents 目录

  • Introduction 介绍
  • Demo 演示
  • Install 安装
  • Docs 文档
  • License 许可证

Introduction 介绍

StatusKit 是一个基于 Hexo 的静态 Status Page 生成器。
StatusKit is a static state page generator, based on Hexo.

  • List your service components
  • Report incidents
  • Markdown support for incident messages
  • RSS supported

Demo 演示

Live Demo

Install 安装

git clone
cd statuskit
npm install

Docs 文档

English version of the documention is still under construction.


License 许可证


Open sourced under the LGPL v3.0 license.
根据 LGPL V3.0 许可证开源。

Maintainer 维护者

StatusKit © neoFelhz, Released under the LGPL v3.0 License.
Authored and maintained by neoFelhz and the help from other contributors (list).

Blog · GitHub @neoFelhz · Twitter @neoFelhz · Telegram Channel @neoFelhzW