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Using optimized cypher query when using filtering on relations
Given the schema the schema
type Movie {
id: ID
title: String
actorCount: Int
genres: [Genre] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: OUT)
type Genre {
name: String
movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: IN)
and the query:
movie(where: { genres: { name: "some genre" } }) {
this library is currently generating the following cypher:
MATCH (this:Movie)
WHERE EXISTS((this)-[:IN_GENRE]->(:Genre)) AND ALL(this_genres IN [(this)-[:IN_GENRE]->(this_genres:Genre) | this_genres] WHERE = $this_genres_name)
RETURN this { .actorCount } as this
The java version would instead generate:
MATCH (movie:Movie)
WHERE all(whereMovieGenreCond IN [(movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(whereMovieGenre:Genre) | = $whereMovieGenreName] WHERE whereMovieGenreCond) RETURN movie { .actorCount } AS movie
According to @jexp:
Ours [The java version] is better as the planner is able to pull the condition into the expansion and doesn't have to build up a full list and post-filter
see also:
btw. in a further step we will migrate to subqueries, to improve the usage of the planner