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Deploy a Neo4j backed GraphQL API based on your GraphQL schema

Neo4j GraphQL CLI

NOTE: This project is deprecated in favor of the official Neo4j GraphQL Library

Deploy Neo4j backed GraphQL APIs based on your custom GraphQL schema.

This is a very early project, under active development. Use for prototyping and demo projects only

What does it do?

neo4j-graphql-cli allows you to deploy a Neo4j GraphQL instance on Neo4j Sandbox. This Neo4j GraphQL instance will serve a GraphQL endpoint based on a user-defined GraphQL schema.


  1. npm install -g neo4j-graphql-cli
  2. Define your GraphQL schema using GraphQL schema syntax, myschema.graphql
  3. neo4j-graphql myschema.graphql - if you do not specify a schema a default movies schema will be used.
  4. When prompted sign into Neo4j Sandbox using the URL provided. This URL will include a token to associate your neo4j-graphql-cli session with your sandbox instance.
  5. Once your Neo4j GraphQL instance is deployed, you'll be presented with the credentials for your GraphQL instance, including a Graphiql URL.

Schema First Development

IDL / Schema Syntax

Neo4j GraphQL Schema

Neo4j GraphQL supports the basic schema syntax, with the addition of directives that expose the power of a graph database when combined with GraphQL:

  • @cypher

@cypher directive

The @cypher directive exposes the power of a full graph query language, Cypher, through GraphQL.

Example movies schema

type User {
  id: Int
  name: String!
  movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "RATED", direction: "out")

type Movie {
  id: Int
  title: String!
  year: Int
  plot: String
  poster: String
  imdbRating: Float
  genres: [Genre] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: "out")
  actors: [Actor] @relation(name: "ACTED_IN", direction: "in")
  directors: [Director] @relation(name: "DIRECTED", direction: "in")
  similar: [Movie] @cypher(statement: "WITH {this} AS this MATCH (this)-[:IN_GENRE]->(:Genre)<-[:IN_GENRE]-(rec:Movie) WITH rec, COUNT(*) AS num ORDER BY num DESC RETURN rec LIMIT 10")

type Genre {
  id: Int
  name: String!
  movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: "in")

type Director {
  id: Int
  name: String!
  movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "DIRECTED", direction: "out")

type Actor {
  id: Int
  name: String!
  movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "ACTED_IN", direction: "out")


neo4j-graphql-cli supports .graphqlconfig and will create a .graphqlconfig file that contains the path to the schema file, endpoints and authorization header. For example:

            "url": "",
              "Authorization":"Basic ${env:NEO4J_GRAPHQL_TOKEN}"


  • [x] deploy Neo4j GraphQL Sandbox instance
  • [x] support user defined GraphQL schema
  • [x] support @cypher GraphQL schema directives
  • [x] .graphqlconfig support
  • [ ] support self-hosted Neo4j instances. NOTE: see
  • [ ] Docker support
  • [ ] support schema updates
  • [ ] client app scaffolding


This project is in active development and user validation. Have a use case you'd like to see supported? We'd love to hear your feedback, please email [email protected]