movies-javascript-bolt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
movies-javascript-bolt copied to clipboard

Neo4j Movies Example with webpack-in-browser app using the neo4j-javascript-driver

== Neo4j Movies Application: Quick Start


image::./img/demo.png[image of application]

This example application demonstrates how easy it is to get started with[Neo4j] in JavaScript.

It is a very simple web application that uses our Movie graph dataset to provide a search with listing, a detail view and a graph visualization.

== The Stack

These are the components of our Web Application:

  • Application Type: JavaScript-Web Application
  • Neo4j Database Connector:[Neo4j JavaScript Driver] for Cypher[Docs]
  • Database: Neo4j-Server (4.x) with multi-database
  • Frontend: jquery, bootstrap,[d3.js]

Provision a database quickly with[Neo4j Sandbox] or[Neo4j Aura].

== Quickstart

=== Setup


$ npm install

=== Run locally

  • Start Neo4j ([Download & Install]) locally and open the http://localhost:7474[Neo4j Browser].
  • Install the Movies dataset with :play movies, click the statement, and hit the triangular "Run" button.
  • Clone this project from GitHub
  • Run the App inside the Webpack Dev Server:


run in development mode (refreshes the app on source code changes)

$ npm start

builds the release version with client assets in "build" directory

$ npm run build

When running in "dev" mode, navigate to http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ to see the application.

After executing the npm run build command, open local file "build/index.html" in your browser.

==== Configuration options

[%header,cols=2*] |=== |Environment variable name |Default value (or N/A)

|PORT |8080

|NEO4J_URI |neo4j+s://

|NEO4J_USER |movies


|NEO4J_DATABASE |movies |===