neovis.js copied to clipboard
Neovis In Grafana Panel
Hi is it possible to visualize neovis in grafana panel? I have created a new panel and tried html graphics plugin. i have paste my html code in the html tab. When i save i see that the panel gets the size of my html code but is not showing any nodes.
There is no reason that it shouldn't work 😅 can you maybe test the same thing outside of grafana? So you could more easily test and fix and afterward embed it in 😅
Hi in html file is working as expected.when i paste the code in grafana text plugin or html graphic plugin i see that there is a scroll up and and scroll down in the panel but the nodes are not coming. I have tried the same with custom component from Retool.Chart.js chart in html format is working perfect.Same thing with neovis is not working.In retool as well it seems to be a scrol down in the panel but is empty
here is my code for your reference @thebestnom
<!doctype html>
<title>Neo4J Graph Explorer</title>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
font: 16pt arial;
#viz {
width: 1900px;
height: 1700px;
border: 1px solid lightgray;
font: 10pt arial;
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const relations = "<-[r:BELONGS_TO*1..3]->";
const CFG = {
server: {
url: "bolt://",
user: "myuser",
password: "mypassword",
query: {
initial: "MATCH (d:Department)<-[r:BELONGS_TO]-(e:Employee) RETURN d,r,e"
render: {
node: {
active: { color: '#800080', size: 15 },
inactive: { color: '#55a', size: 10 },
fontSize: 14
link: {
color: '#888'
let viz;
let currentId;
function draw() {
const config = {
containerId: "viz",
neo4j: {
serverUrl: CFG.server.url,
serverUser: CFG.server.user,
serverPassword: CFG.server.password,
visConfig: {
nodes: {
shape: 'dot',
size: CFG.render.node.inactive.size,
font: { size: CFG.render.node.fontSize },
color: CFG.render.node.inactive.color
edges: {
arrows: {
to: {enabled: true},
physics: {
solver: 'forceAtlas2Based'
labels: {
Department: {
label: "name",
title: "name",
function: { color: nodeColor, size: nodeSize, physics: nodePhysics }
Employee: {
label: "name",
title: "title",
function: { color: nodeColor, size: nodeSize, physics: nodePhysics, }
function nodeColor(node) {
if (node.identity === currentId) return;
if (node.labels[0] === "Department") return "#df00df";
if (node.labels[0] === "Employee") return "#0095df";
function nodeSize(node) {
if (node.identity === currentId) return;
if (node.labels[0] === "Department") return CFG.render.node.inactive.size + 15;
return CFG.render.node.inactive.size;
function nodePhysics(node) {
if(node.identity === currentId) return false;
return true;
function cypherQuery() {
if(currentId) return CFG.query.byId(currentId);
return CFG.query.initial;
function render(config) {
viz = new NeoVis.default(config);
viz.registerOnEvent("completed", (e) => {"click", (e) => {
if(e.nodes[0]) {
currentId = e.nodes[0];
<body onload="draw()">
<div id="viz"></div>
It doesn't work?