neo4j-graph-algorithms copied to clipboard
support > 2bn nodes for statistics in Huge Algorithms
CALL algo.unionFind(null, 'OBSERVED_WITH', {write:true, graph:'huge', partitionProperty:"community",concurrency:3})
YIELD nodes, setCount, loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis,p1, p5,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p100;
Failed to invoke procedure `algo.unionFind`: Caused by: com.carrotsearch.hppc.BufferAllocationException: Maximum array size exceeded for this load factor (elements: 805306369, load factor: 0.750000)
I think the error is with regards to the percentiles it couldn't provide the percentiles because it has to hold the 4 Billion clusters into 1 array inorder to do that