EKEventKit.Example icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
EKEventKit.Example copied to clipboard

Simple example project showing basic parts of Event Kit like loading events from calendar, selecting calendar, editing events..

Dynamic TypeEvent KitQuick LookApp IdeasKeyboard PreviewModern Collection Views

EKEventKit Example

You can read more about EventKit on my website.

SwiftUI version is currently work in progress. Feel free to help and suggest improvements. I have so far done just a little of SwiftUI..

Twitter: @nemecek_f License

Simple example project showing basic parts of Event Kit like loading events from calendar, selecting calendar, editing events..

📅 This project shows loading EKEvents from EKEventStore and accessing their properties to display calendar events in a Table View. It also demonstrates usage of EKCalendarChooser to let user choose calendars whose events to display. Events are added and edited via EKEventEditViewController. Events with location can be displayed on a map.

Not related stuff includes using NSTextAttachment inside NSAttributedString to display calendar colors with tinted images. And also how to implement swipe to delete in Table View with custom icon with the trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt method.

I also have smaller projects showing EKCalendarChooser and EKEventEditViewController.

Quick overview of examples in the project

Loading calendar events

let weekFromNow = Date().advanced(by: TimeInterval.week)
let predicate = eventStore.predicateForEvents(withStart: Date(), end: weekFromNow, calendars: Array(selectedCalendars))

events = eventStore.events(matching: predicate)

Requesting calendar access

eventStore.requestAccess(to: .event) { (granted, error) in
    if granted {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {

Selecting calendars with the EKCalendarChooser

let chooser = EKCalendarChooser(selectionStyle: .multiple, displayStyle: .allCalendars, entityType: .event, eventStore: eventStore)
chooser.delegate = self
chooser.showsDoneButton = true
chooser.showsCancelButton = true
chooser.selectedCalendars = selectedCalendars
let nvc = UINavigationController(rootViewController: chooser)
present(nvc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Implementing EKCalendarChooserDelegate

extension ViewController: EKCalendarChooserDelegate {
    func calendarChooserDidFinish(_ calendarChooser: EKCalendarChooser) {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        selectedCalendars = calendarChooser.selectedCalendars
    func calendarChooserDidCancel(_ calendarChooser: EKCalendarChooser) {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Convenience EKEvent extensions:

extension EKEvent {
    var hasGeoLocation: Bool {
        return structuredLocation?.geoLocation != nil
    var isBirthdayEvent: Bool {
        return birthdayContactIdentifier != nil

Not seeing anything?

If the device or simulator has not initialized the Calendar app, the default calendar does not exist. Open the Calendar app on the device or simulated device. Build and run the app again.

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