Sencha-Touch-Carousel-demo copied to clipboard
Demo code used in a screencast tutorial about the carousel component in Sencha Touch.
This Git repository includes all of the source code used in creating a tutorial about carousels in Sencha Touch.
The tutorial includes several checkpoints:
- Blank slate
- A basic carousel
- Carousel plus vbox layout (with much duplication)
- Carousel plus vbox layout (DRY, with a custom componenent)
- Carousel with a nested carousel
- Carousel with a flipcard
Using this repository to follow the screencast
First, you'll have to clone this repository:
git clone git://
Change into the directory:
cd Sencha-Touch-Carousel-demo
By default, the git clone command will only create the master branch locally. If you want to study the code at each checkpoint, you will have to fetch each of the other branches. You can do so by running the following:
git co -b 00_blank_slate origin/00_blank_slate
git co -b 01_basic_carousel origin/01_basic_carousel
git co -b 02_carousel_plus_vbox_verbose origin/02_carousel_plus_vbox_verbose
git co -b 03_carousel_plus_vbox_dry origin/03_carousel_plus_vbox_dry
git co -b 04_carousel_plus_carousel origin/04_carousel_plus_carousel
git co -b 05_carousel_plus_toolbar origin/05_carousel_plus_toolbar
Live demo
You can try out the demo here: