Nelson Chen
Nelson Chen
Also, how does this experience, if there are no codes, work on iOS and Android? What if we exempted 2FA only during setup and then enforced it afterwards?
I also got a lot of this from here:
It looks like it is possible. If you visit this link on a Gmail account, it's a very friendly wizard to get started to disable the codes. If you visit...
It'll be great for removing the dependency on having a loop-backed VLC as well. Causes an ugly Firewall prompt on Windows.
People decode encode binary data all the time in nodejs. I think it's fine to leave this issue open. If there's ever a successor, and they want to look at...
Arduino prior art:
Thanks for your response. I'll continue to keep hacking. If I got something going, I'll be sure to share.
I bought a touchscreen off Amazon to compare/steal/capture how it interacts as a touchscreen. It has a CH554T that talks/makes a touchscreen. Can't find the source though. Hmm.
Possible source. Messy, is the license real, but possibly a good reference and it's likely transformative as we're trying to get it to be a cleaner/SDCC implementation here.