Meghan Denny

Results 172 issues of Meghan Denny

zls supports "jump to definition" actions on package imports. it would be nice if there was a setting such that if the path to the package includes a symlink, the...


### Zig Version 0.11.0-dev.1255+f7ade7e63 ### Zig Language Server Version 2717b0fba19daba897f86dd6de4b8b590bfee516 ### Steps to Reproduce ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ### Expected Behavior the same completion as image 2 with the code of...


- [ ] I'd be willing to implement this feature ([contributing guide]( - [ ] This feature is important to have in this repository; a contrib plugin wouldn't do **Describe...


**Current behavior** when running `./configure` a list of search paths is hardcoded (eg `/usr/local /opt/local /usr/lib /usr/pkg /usr/sfw /usr`) unless overwritten explicitly per dependency (eg `--with-ssl`, `--with-libexpat`, etc) **Describe the...

for many programs it lists a new env var to define and then says the only entry can simply be moved. may there be a flag to check for that...

consider the following Zig code: ```zig const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { var x = foo("hello"); x.len -= 1; std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{x}); } fn foo(a: []const u8) ![]const...

### Zig Version 0.12.0-dev.3212+40e64245f ### Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior ### Expected Behavior should be clickable.


### Zig Version 0.12.0-dev.3381+7057bffc1 ### Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior ```zig @unionInit(comptime Union: type, comptime active_field_name: []const u8, init_expr) Union ``` ### Expected Behavior ```zig @unionInit(comptime active_field_name: []const u8,...


this still allows the option to build the c dependencies in release and bun in debug while setting the default to debug which greatly aids in debugging, allowing crashes and...